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ConnecticutBob.Com is a modest blog on the internet since 2006. Progressive ideas are encouraged, and all politically-minded and reasonable people are welcome. America is the greatest country in the world, but we'll invade you if you disagree.
When:Saturday September 29 from 7 to 9PM
Where: Bradford's Grill and Tavern
83 Bedford Street
Stamford, CT
(203) 961 9999
CT Democratic Co-Hosts:
Jim Himes
State Rep. Gerry Fox
State Rep. Jim Shapiro
Blogger Co-Hosts:
DavidNYC:: DailyKos & Swing State Project
James Lambert:: Swing State Project
Charles Monaco:: LamontBlog & MyLeftNutmeg
Maura Keaney:: MyLeftNutmeg
aka Maura in VA at DailyKos
Melissa Ryan:: CT Local Politics & MyDD
Gabe:: CT Local Politics & The Left Coaster
Connecticut Bob:: Connecticut Bob
CTBlogger:: Hat City Blog, CT Blog & MyLeftNutmeg
Spazeboy:: Spazeboy
Saramerica:: Saramerica & My Left Nutmeg
CaptCT:: MyLeftNutmeg
Aldon Hynes: Orient Lodge & Greater Democracy
**Suggested Minimum Donation $25**
RSVP Above
Open bar and pizza from 7 to 8. Pub Quiz will begin promptly at 7:30 and will consist of four rounds of questions.
Can't attend? Be a virtual participant! We'll have a live Ustream feed of the event, and a liveblog thread on MLN as well.
Consumer advocate Ralph Nader, who mounted failed bids for the White House in 2000 and 2004, excoriated the Bush administration for its post-9/11 policies that critics say trample on civil liberties and for its pursuit of war in Iraq, which he said distracts from fighting Osama bin Laden.I dunno about anyone else, but the guy sounds completely reasonable to me.
The onetime Green Party candidate appeared at an anti-war rally in Washington Saturday, where he chastised "spineless, gutless" Democrats in Congress for failing to boot Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney from office.
"The impeachable offenses of Bush outnumber any other list of impeachable offenses of any US president," Nader said. "Not only did he and Cheney violate their oath of office to uphold the constitution and the laws of the land, but they proceeded to impose a practice of torture, to arrest thousands of Americans without charges and throw them in prisons without lawyers.... They spied on millions of Americans randomly without judicial approval. How many more impeachable offenses do those spineless, gutless, hapless Democrats need in the Congress."
Because Democrats control Congress -- after a power shift following the 2006 midterm elections -- they can cut off funding for the war, hold hearings on Bush administration policies and begin impeachment proceedings. Beyond failing to do any of that, though, there have not been vocal calls for Bush's resignation, Nader said, which makes Democrats now weaker than those in Congress when former-President Richard Nixon was forced to resign in the wake of Watergate.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The chairman of the Senate Banking Committee unveiled legislation on Wednesday that would prohibit mortgage brokers and lenders from steering borrowers to high-cost loans.Read the entire article at Yahoo News
The reform measure is meant to curb some of the excesses of the recent housing boom, which has caused a spike of loan delinquencies and foreclosures, according to Sen. Christopher Dodd, a Connecticut Democrat.
The legislation "will put an end to the practices that have forced thousands of Americans into foreclosure and put thousands more in danger of losing their homes," Dodd, a contender for the Democratic nomination for the presidential election in November 2008, said in a statement.
In recent weeks, financial markets have been rocked by fears that weakness in the home lending sector will spread to other parts of the economy.
On Wednesday, leaders of the home building industry met with senior officials at the Federal Reserve to discuss the crisis. In mid-August, the Fed made an emergency cut to its discount lending rate to calm markets fearful that credit standards were tightening.
The plan would create new standards for mortgage servicers by eliminating some of the costs and fees they impose for tardy payments. Mortgage servicers are often hired by the lender to make collections on a loan.
The legislation would also put a greater number of costly loans under regulations of the Homeownership and Equity Protection Act, which protects borrowers from predatory lenders. Dodd has previously chastised banking regulators for being unwilling to fully enforce HOEPA as many unsafe subprime loans were being offered.
Dodd's legislation would hold lenders responsible when home appraisers give a faulty value of the property or when mortgage brokers push borrowers into costly loans.
Several consumer and community groups on Wednesday endorsed Dodd's legislation as a good step to protect borrowers who are due to see their payments climb as the early, teaser interest rates expire.