They're just regular people. People a lot like us.
Except they have a government that doesn't seem to allow democracy.
Mubarak just appointed a "Vice President". This may be a good thing. Maybe it means he'll agree to leave before the inevitable massacre, which typically occurs when a well-equipped military government (largely equipped via our tax dollars) feels threatened. Hopefully he'll step down voluntarily.
And if Murbarak steps down, there will probably be a functioning government to carry on, and a chance for stability in the nation.
But if he insists on hanging on until the end, the probability of outright civil war is very high. And that won't bode well for Egypt, or the entire region.
ConnecticutBob.Com is a modest blog on the internet since 2006. Progressive ideas are encouraged, and all politically-minded and reasonable people are welcome. America is the greatest country in the world, but we'll invade you if you disagree.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
The Sunday Night Movie Club (premiere)
I've been watching a lot of movies lately, since I'm unemployed and it's terribly cold outside so I can't go sailing. I figured this would be a perfect time for me to share some movie gems I've found online, where you can watch them for free (well, maybe having to put up with a commercial or two, but hey, that's just like regular TV and you probably watch a shitload of that, amiright?)
So this is the premiere of the Sunday Night Movie Club, where you can watch some of my personal favorite online independent films.
I'm going to start this series with a unique (in 2009) locally-produced indie flick, filmed in the New Haven area and directed by Gorman Bechard, called "Friends (With Benefits)". It's the story of friends who decide that having a "no strings attached" physical relationship is a great idea.
Some of my keener followers might recognize a theme that is currently being marketed as a bit of Hollywood tripe entitled "No Strings Attached", which certain people might consider to be a blatant rip-off of Mr. Bechard's work. And it stars two chronically over-exposed "stars" who are likely working solely for a giant paycheck.
Now, you can go out and spend ten bucks a ticket to see the aforementioned tripe, along with dishing out another seven dollars (at least) for greasy popcorn and a watery soda. Double that if you can get a date. (I'm just joking, I sure you can get lots of dates)
Or, you can watch this nifty little flick in the comfort of your own domicile, with a piping hot bag of microwave Orville Reddenbacker's and an ice cold can of Sprite that will run you at most about a buck and a quarter. It's your call.
Keep in mind we are in a recession!
Here's the link to "Friends (With Benefits)" (at to watch it online. With a few commercials, yes, but they go by fast. You can mute it if you want. Here's the IMDB listing.
Post a review in the comments section along with any suggestions for future movies. Remember, free and online are the requirements. Enjoy!
So this is the premiere of the Sunday Night Movie Club, where you can watch some of my personal favorite online independent films.
I'm going to start this series with a unique (in 2009) locally-produced indie flick, filmed in the New Haven area and directed by Gorman Bechard, called "Friends (With Benefits)". It's the story of friends who decide that having a "no strings attached" physical relationship is a great idea.
Some of my keener followers might recognize a theme that is currently being marketed as a bit of Hollywood tripe entitled "No Strings Attached", which certain people might consider to be a blatant rip-off of Mr. Bechard's work. And it stars two chronically over-exposed "stars" who are likely working solely for a giant paycheck.
Now, you can go out and spend ten bucks a ticket to see the aforementioned tripe, along with dishing out another seven dollars (at least) for greasy popcorn and a watery soda. Double that if you can get a date. (I'm just joking, I sure you can get lots of dates)
Or, you can watch this nifty little flick in the comfort of your own domicile, with a piping hot bag of microwave Orville Reddenbacker's and an ice cold can of Sprite that will run you at most about a buck and a quarter. It's your call.
Keep in mind we are in a recession!
Post a review in the comments section along with any suggestions for future movies. Remember, free and online are the requirements. Enjoy!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Chris Murphy's announcement speech
Rep. Chris Murphy gave a brief speech to officially kick off his campaign for the Democratic Senate nomination. The speech was given in a crowded room in the Waverly Inn in Cheshire. Visit for more info.
UPDATE: The congressman spent a little time after the event to address questions from voters and supporters. Here he is giving a Youtube shout-out to my pal Spazeboy:
How awesome is that?
UPDATE: The congressman spent a little time after the event to address questions from voters and supporters. Here he is giving a Youtube shout-out to my pal Spazeboy:
How awesome is that?
Good riddance
The man who should have been senator
I made this video immediately following the 2006 general election, which Joe Lieberman won by cleverly exploiting the Republican voters' willingness to betray their own senate candidate. But Ned Lamont is the man who should have become our senator.
Yesterday, Joe announced he would retire at the end of this term. I firmly believe this was due in large part to Ned's courage and convictions that led him to provide Connecticut's Democrats with permission to question Joe Lieberman's beliefs, loyalties, and motives.
Ned absolutely would have made a great senator, and I can't help but think what might have been different today if we had his voice representing us for the last four years. It's definitely our loss that we'll never know.
Ned Lamont deserves our praise and our thanks.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Chris Murphy to announce Senate run
Tomorrow Rep. Chris Murphy (CT-05) is expected to announce a run for Joe Lieberman's old seat. Chris Murphy is a three-term Democrat from the district in the chilly northwest corner of the state. Murphy will face Susan Bysiewicz and possibly other Democrats for the nomination next year.
I became aware of this news from Kevin Rennie's blog, despite having exchanged about four emails earlier today with my good buddy Tim Tagaris, who apparently is much better at keeping secrets than others associated with Murphy.
Even from his blogger friends!
Expect more stuff tomorrow after the big announcement.
I became aware of this news from Kevin Rennie's blog, despite having exchanged about four emails earlier today with my good buddy Tim Tagaris, who apparently is much better at keeping secrets than others associated with Murphy.
Even from his blogger friends!
Expect more stuff tomorrow after the big announcement.
And so, it ends with a whimper...

As excited as he is to "start a new life with new opportunities", Lieberman was annoyingly vague about his future plans. He even quoted the
(...and yes, before anyone hurries to post a "correction" in the comments, I'm well aware it was from Ecclesiastes. And yeah, it was also Pete Seeger's lyrics.)
So we're left with a strangely unsatisfying conclusion to a career that promises to be far from over. We have just under two years left for "Lame Duck Lieberman" to further obstruct or otherwise screw up progressive legislation.
Two years is a long friggin' time to have to champion legislation that will earn him the good graces of any number of corporate oligarchs. Something tells me his idea of continued "public service" will have something to do with a huge paycheck and a lot of Fox News appearances.
Despite my forebodings of a bombshell today, it appears to end with a whimper...
...and I look forward to the day when Joe Lieberman will no longer serve in the Senate and will become as irrelevant as Regis Philbin.
(* I was thinking of The Animals for some reason; h/t OldSwede)
Lieberman to announce something
Supposedly he's going to retire in two years. While the entire lefty blogosphere is congratulating itself, I'm personally not going to believe it until the words escape the senator's mouth. He'll take the stage in about two hours.
I have an uneasy feeling that this is too good to be true. Watch carefully what he says, because there will definitely be something in there that will screw the Democrats. Probably for decades to come.
He'll find a way to fuck this up for us. Mark my words.
I have an uneasy feeling that this is too good to be true. Watch carefully what he says, because there will definitely be something in there that will screw the Democrats. Probably for decades to come.
He'll find a way to fuck this up for us. Mark my words.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Bysiewicz announces Senate candidacy

Today, former Connecticut Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz filed her paperwork with the Federal Election Commission and the Secretary of the Senate to run for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Senator Joe Lieberman.Bysiewicz ran for Governor in early 2010 then switched to Attorney General, only to be found ineligible when it turned out that one of the requirements to hold the office is having worked a minimum of 10 years as an attorney. Subsequently George Jepsen won the election.
“I am running for the U.S. Senate for the same reason I first entered public service: because I want this state to be a better place for my children and yours,” Susan Bysiewicz said. “As I travel across this state listening to the people of Connecticut, I hear over and over that too many of our children have to leave our state because there aren't enough opportunities here for them."
"We need a Senator who is 100% focused on helping our state, and Senator Joe Lieberman has been focused on everything but Connecticut. I will only work for the people of Connecticut so we can create jobs that keep our children and grandchildren here in Connecticut for generations to come.”
Throughout Susan's career in public service, she helped small businesses get started and cut through red tape, saved taxpayer dollars, passed the toughest ethics laws in Connecticut history, and helped victims of domestic violence.
Susan served as Connecticut Secretary of the State from 1999 until 2011 after serving in the Connecticut House of Representatives since 1992. She has won four statewide elections and was the highest statewide vote getter in Connecticut in 2006. Susan Bysiewicz currently resides in Middletown, CT with her husband, David Donaldson, and their three children - Ava, Leyna and Tristan.
Joe Lieberman hasn't declared if he will run for reelection, nor has any other Democratic candidate announced their intention to run for the office. Several prominent Democrats have made statements indicating a possible run.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Looking at SustiNet

This is the introduction:
Connecticut is poised to be on the leading progressive edge of what is possible under the new federal health care law by providing a rather robust state-based public option. If the state adopts the proposed SustiNet health plan (PDF) it would integrate the many different group insurance plans the state currently provides into a unified self-insured program, provide quality automatic coverage to everyone under 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, and eventually offer a commercial “publicly-administered health plan” open to all individuals and business in the state, under the management of a quasi-government agency. Its designed to save the state roughly $300 million a year and hopefully reduce health care spending over the long-term.The remainder of the article looks at three critical elements of the plan, along with reasons for the plan's adoption. You can read the entire article HERE.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
You'll probably hate me for this
The most uncomfortable 43 seconds in online video history:
Palin's Breath from wreckandsalvage on Vimeo.
The only thing more disturbing is the fact that someone took hours editing this thing together.Friday, January 14, 2011
2012 Senate Race heats up
Today Rep. Chris Murphy was quoted in the Hartford Courant (via CT Blogger at MLN) as he responded to a question about running for Joe Lieberman's Senate seat:
There are several possible candidates for the Democratic nomination, especially when you consider that Lieberman will likely again be forced to run as an independent candidate. But, keep in mind that this time around the GOP probably won't cowardly stab it's own candidate in the back, like it did to Alan Schlesinger in 2006, so Lieberman won't be able to count on the massive Republican voting block he got then.
It's gonna take a real Democrat to win this time around! And I think Chris Murphy has all the qualities needed to be a good Senator for both Connecticut and for the nation.
Chris, please make the announcement soon so we can get started on winning our seat back.
"It's something I'm interested in,'' Murphy said while standing outside Fitzgerald's Foods as darkness closed in late this afternoon.I'm sure there's quite a few CT Democrats who would love to see Congressman Murphy run against that embarrassing political albatross known as Joe Lieberman. I make it no secret that I detest nearly everything about our (for now) senior senator, and I look forward to the day when he vacates that seat with almost as much anticipation as I held for George Bush to finally leave the White House.
There are several possible candidates for the Democratic nomination, especially when you consider that Lieberman will likely again be forced to run as an independent candidate. But, keep in mind that this time around the GOP probably won't cowardly stab it's own candidate in the back, like it did to Alan Schlesinger in 2006, so Lieberman won't be able to count on the massive Republican voting block he got then.
It's gonna take a real Democrat to win this time around! And I think Chris Murphy has all the qualities needed to be a good Senator for both Connecticut and for the nation.
Chris, please make the announcement soon so we can get started on winning our seat back.
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Why is a map with targets so bad?
Over the last 24 hours, I've heard countless Sarah Palin apologists saying her map with the target graphics pointed at twenty specific House seats (including that occupied by the gravely injured Gabby Giffords) is nothing but a metaphor.
Michael Moore asked in a Tweet:
You know I'm right.
I wonder if it would still be considered a "metaphor" if a high school student placed targets on a photo of 20 of her classmates? Never mind if anyone got shot, that would be MORE than enough to get a student expelled.
And yet, for some reason the nation allows (and, to some extent, largely encourages; at least on the right) a vicious dingbat like Sarah Palin to allude to violent actions in a political context. It staggers the imagination.

(jokingly photoshopped Teabagger via
As a blogger, I'm hyper-aware of the imagery I draw upon. I realize that something I say even in a totally joking manner may be misconstrued as an attack. I'm very careful to make my point with logic and judgment.
Or, since logic isn't one of my stronger points, most other times I make do with outright mockery and snark.
But I never even hint at any sort of violent action, even in the broadest sense of a joke. I simply don't do it. I haven't even suggested that certain people might be better off if a giant 16-ton weight were dropped on top of them, no matter HOW silly the image might be.
So it just might be time to look into the rhetoric that some people use that might be construed as inciting a violent act.
Because, it's never "cool" to "joke" about killing someone...
...especially when it appears you wouldn't be all that broken up if it actually happened!
Michael Moore asked in a Tweet:
If a Detroit Muslim put a map on the web w/crosshairs on 20 pols, then 1 of them got shot, where would he b sitting right now? Just asking.Even if NONE of them got shot, I'm sure the guy who posted it would be subject to a vigorous FBI interrogation at the very least.
You know I'm right.
I wonder if it would still be considered a "metaphor" if a high school student placed targets on a photo of 20 of her classmates? Never mind if anyone got shot, that would be MORE than enough to get a student expelled.
And yet, for some reason the nation allows (and, to some extent, largely encourages; at least on the right) a vicious dingbat like Sarah Palin to allude to violent actions in a political context. It staggers the imagination.

As a blogger, I'm hyper-aware of the imagery I draw upon. I realize that something I say even in a totally joking manner may be misconstrued as an attack. I'm very careful to make my point with logic and judgment.
Or, since logic isn't one of my stronger points, most other times I make do with outright mockery and snark.
But I never even hint at any sort of violent action, even in the broadest sense of a joke. I simply don't do it. I haven't even suggested that certain people might be better off if a giant 16-ton weight were dropped on top of them, no matter HOW silly the image might be.

Because, it's never "cool" to "joke" about killing someone...
...especially when it appears you wouldn't be all that broken up if it actually happened!
Saturday, January 08, 2011
Sarah Palin might as well have pulled the trigger
A fucking target!
You encouraged this, Sarah! This is your "solution"! And FoxNews, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, the corporate-sponsored "Tea Parties", etc. You're ALL responsible for this!
UPDATE: Let's not forget this bumper sticker I saw immediately following the 2008 Presidential election, right here in Milford. This shit has been going on for too long.

Friday, January 07, 2011
Special elections to fill vacancies
Gov. Dannel Malloy appointed nine sitting Democratic legislators to administration positions, so Sec. of State Denise Merrill has announced the special elections to fill those vacancies. Details here:
Hartford: Secretary of the State Denise Merrill today announced that special elections to fill nine legislative vacancies will take place on Tuesday February 22, 2010. Specifically, the special elections will take place in State Senate districts 6, 13, and 27 as well as districts 20, 25, 36, 99, 101, and 136 in the Connecticut General Assembly. These vacancies were created by the resignations of State Senators Andrew MacDonald of Stamford, Don DeFronzo of New Britain, Thomas Gaffey of Meriden, and State Representatives John Geragosian of New Britain, David McCluskey of West Hartford, James Spallone of Essex, Deb Heinrich of Madison, Mike Lawlor of East Haven and Christopher Caruso of Bridgeport.
These vacancies were created on Wednesday January 5, 2011 and today, Secretary Merrill received and signed Writs of Special Election issued by Governor Dannel Malloy as required by Connecticut state law. By law, these special elections must be held 46 days after the Writs of Special Election are issued, which falls on Tuesday, February 22nd.
“We have a sea change in state government with a significant number of state lawmakers leaving the legislative branch to serve the Malloy administration,” said Secretary Merrill, Connecticut Chief Elections official. “The timetable for these special elections is very compressed: major parties now have until January 18th to endorse candidates for these State Senate and House seats. Petitioning candidates must also turn in nominating petitions to town clerks offices or the Secretary of the State’s office by that same day. I urge eligible voters in these districts to register as soon as possible so you can cast a ballot and choose someone to represent you in Hartford. The deadline to register is Monday February 21st, the day before the special elections.”
Polls will be open from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. on February 22, 2011 in the following communities for the special elections: State Senate district 6, covering Berlin, New Britain, and part of Farmington; district 13, covering Meriden, Middlefield, and parts of Cheshire and Middletown; and district 27, covering parts of Darien and Stamford. Special elections will also take place in the following General Assembly Districts: district 20 covering part of West Hartford, district 25, covering part of New Britain, district 36, covering the towns of Chester, Deep River, Essex and Haddam, district 99, covering part of East Haven, district 101, covering the town of Madison and part of Guilford and District 126, covering part of Bridgeport.
In order to qualify to get on the ballot, petitioning candidates must turn in a number of signatures equivalent to 1% of the total number of voters who cast ballots for that seat in the previous election, and signatures must be from registered voters in the district.
Thursday, January 06, 2011
It's first and ten, the Democrats have the ball

Congratulations to Governor
The ball in in the Democrat's hands as they huddle for the first play of the game. Let's hope they score a touchdown on the first drive, and go on to win the contest to balance the budget, create jobs, and maintain important services.
Meanwhile, you can read more about yesterday's events at CT News Junkie.
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Justice Scalia puts women in their place
In a recent interview, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia weighed in on the 14th Amendment and women's rights. From the Washington Post:
Fortunately, someone hacked into Justice Scalia's Photobucket account, and found these images on his private album. This gives us a bit of insight as to his thinking.
Here's the Justice having breakfast with his wife:

Scalia also enjoys being politically active for his favorite causes:

And of course, when Mrs. Scalia accidently burnt the pot roast, well...
Yup, it's Equal Protection under the Law for all some Americans!
In an interview with California Lawyer, Scalia said that the Constitution itself does not protect women and gay men and lesbians from discrimination. Such protections are up to the legislative branch, he said.So, the 14th Amendment only pertains to the rights of men. Heterosexual men specifically. Isn't that swell news for our nation's misogynists and gay-bashers?
Fortunately, someone hacked into Justice Scalia's Photobucket account, and found these images on his private album. This gives us a bit of insight as to his thinking.
Here's the Justice having breakfast with his wife:

Scalia also enjoys being politically active for his favorite causes:

And of course, when Mrs. Scalia accidently burnt the pot roast, well...

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