So this is the premiere of the Sunday Night Movie Club, where you can watch some of my personal favorite online independent films.
I'm going to start this series with a unique (in 2009) locally-produced indie flick, filmed in the New Haven area and directed by Gorman Bechard, called "Friends (With Benefits)". It's the story of friends who decide that having a "no strings attached" physical relationship is a great idea.
Some of my keener followers might recognize a theme that is currently being marketed as a bit of Hollywood tripe entitled "No Strings Attached", which certain people might consider to be a blatant rip-off of Mr. Bechard's work. And it stars two chronically over-exposed "stars" who are likely working solely for a giant paycheck.
Now, you can go out and spend ten bucks a ticket to see the aforementioned tripe, along with dishing out another seven dollars (at least) for greasy popcorn and a watery soda. Double that if you can get a date. (I'm just joking, I sure you can get lots of dates)
Or, you can watch this nifty little flick in the comfort of your own domicile, with a piping hot bag of microwave Orville Reddenbacker's and an ice cold can of Sprite that will run you at most about a buck and a quarter. It's your call.
Keep in mind we are in a recession!
Post a review in the comments section along with any suggestions for future movies. Remember, free and online are the requirements. Enjoy!
Hi CT Bob,
Thanks for letting people know about the film! And yes, the filmmakers welcome any and all feedback so bring it on!
I'll look for it on Netflix! Thx!
CT Bob,
Much thanks for the kind words and support!
Gorman Bechard
P.S. We're still working on getting the film on Netflix. We need people to put it in their Queue to show there's an interest.
I can do that much!
Hey Gorman, I'm happy to help. I'd like to see the film get more exposure, and it really annoys me that you're not getting enough credit for the concept.
BTW (shameless self-promotion alert!) keep in mind I'm a boom op/utility guy, so if you ever need sound crew for a shoot, I'm local (Milford).
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