God help us if any of these guys move into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue in January, 2009.
ConnecticutBob.Com is a modest blog on the internet since 2006. Progressive ideas are encouraged, and all politically-minded and reasonable people are welcome. America is the greatest country in the world, but we'll invade you if you disagree.
Hey, my son and husband swear that ketchup is a vegetable - another great idea from the Reagan administration. My favorite though, since I was a social worker, was their concern for life started at conception and ended at birth.
"...their concern for life started at conception and ended at birth."
Sadly, that's still a primary Republican "value".
A social worker who is perturbed by the right to life is like a luby's waiter who wants to rally for euthanasia. Their jobs could be, like, so much easier.
I heard that all the candidates quit hours after the election and they all are getting behind a Draft Reagan movement. One went so far as volunteering to dig up the corpse. They must have come to the same realization I did and that is a Dead Reagan is better than anything they were going to offer.
vooos: I didn't say I had a with problem the "right to life" - I consider that a woman's right to choose, it's a personal choice. You can choose life - isn't that what all the ads say? What I implied was that the Republicans only care about a child in the womb, but don't give a damn about it's welfare once it's born. Your comparison is pretty funny, though.
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