Despite the ominous words of Clinton toady Harold Ickes, this race is over.
Half-votes for all delegates from Florida based on the actual results. This gives Clinton roughly 57.5 delegates to Obama's 33.5.
Michigan was much more contentious, since Barack's name was voluntarily removed from the ballot while Hillary resolutely stayed on against DNC request. Hillary's supporters wanted the results to stand, with Clinton getting 55% and "Uncommitted" receiving 40%. Many pundits believe the majority of the uncommitted votes were votes for Obama. Additionally, a substantial number of write-in votes for Obama weren't counted, since Michigan rules don't allow write-ins for a candidate that hasn't declared his intention to run in the state.
The committee voted overwhelmingly to approve a Michigan compromise with Clinton getting 69 half-votes and Obama 59 half-votes. This will net the candidates approximately 34.5 votes for Clinton and 29.5 votes for Obama.
Overall, the likely outcome is Clinton 92 more delegates against Obama's 63. (These numbers will probably change, but they're in the ballpark)
Even though Hillary gained nearly 30 more delegates today, many of her supporters present at the meeting voiced outrage at the results. These crybabies wouldn't hear of any compromise, and the only acceptable resolution would have been to give them everything they wanted and possibly ice cream cones with multi-colored sprinkles on top.
Listen up Hillary supporters: I hate to say it, but it's over. Deal with it.
Harold Ickes got his comb-over in a snit, sweating heavily while denouncing the majority decisions by the DNC Rules & Bylaws committee, and he threatened to take the battle to the Denver convention.
The reality is, after Tuesday's final primaries, we'll see a flood of undeclared super delegates throw their support to Obama. Public opinion will strongly pressure Clinton to fall in line, and we'll have a unified party going into the summer.
UPDATE: FireDogLake video by Jane Hamsher below from the aftermath.
Does anyone think that Harriet might be originally from Howard Beach?
MORE UPDATE: BTW, this isn't schadenfreude; I take absolutely no pleasure in the suffering of Hillary's supporters.
But I totally DO want all of us to unify and start working towards kicking John Sidney McCain's butt so badly that he'll go crawl under a rock and stay there until somewhere around April of next year.
UPPER UPDATE: Jane has been video blogging up a storm over on FDL. Here's a rather compelling video, showing a lady who came to support Hillary in the aftermath of some rough handling by security when she acted up in the committee room. I admire her passion for her candidate, but I also feel a little sorry for her. I'm sure she didn't sign on to get bruised up while being expelled from the meeting room.