Congratulations to Governor
The ball in in the Democrat's hands as they huddle for the first play of the game. Let's hope they score a touchdown on the first drive, and go on to win the contest to balance the budget, create jobs, and maintain important services.
Meanwhile, you can read more about yesterday's events at CT News Junkie.
For the right wing in the Nutmeg state, that may not be the only sign of the Apocalypse coming up on the horizon and into their field of view. Can you say "A real Public Option in Connecticut"? Because, apparently, the Sustinet Health Partnership Board of Directors can.
We shall see... Between Alaska, Connecticut and Vermont's differing intended directions we might actually see a real horse race over which model of healthcare reform is better. The free market of ideas will go head to head to head, if this turns out to be the case?
Everything depends on the huge cuts that have to be made. It is mind boggling what has to be done now.
Should we stop paving the roads or should we close more schools? How many State parks and public libraries have to be closed this year?
Do we burn the furniture for heat,or should we start with the shingles?
There's going to be painful cuts, no doubt. But the reality is any budget that doesn't include some tax increases is doomed to failure.
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