CT Joyce and
John Hartwell watch a special pre-screening of the film two weeks ago.
Mr. Corey Boutilier
(Bumped up from earlier this week)
Saturday, November 3rd at the
Connecticut Film Festival will be the
gala premiere of the new political documentary
"Honk For Peace". For anyone who was around during last year's exciting Senate race, this film will enlighten you with a lot of behind the scenes footage and previously unseen interviews with a host of political and media figures. And if you weren't, then you'll witness an entertaining and intriguing view of big-time politics from the inside.
myspace.com/honkforpeacemovieThe filmmaker
(Mr. Corey Boutilier) held a blogger's screening last week in advance of the premiere. Sadly, we got about three inches of rain that night, and several bloggers who were going to attend were swept away by raging floodwaters never to be heard from again, but we still had a decent turnout.
"Honk For Peace" (
IMDB listing) examines the anti-war movement in the days leading up to the 2003 decision to invade Iraq. Then the movie shifts to a detailed examination of last year's CT Senate race. The film includes never-before-seen interviews with Ned Lamont, Joe Lieberman, John Kerry, Chris Dodd, Ralph Nader, Wes Clark, and many others.

Last year's BBC/Sundance Channel documentary
"Blog Wars" looked at the blogger's influence on the lead-up to the Democratic Primary, and
"Honk For Peace" picks up the campaigns after the Primary and into the General Election. As such, it helps fill in many of the blanks that "Blog Wars" left out. In my opinion, seeing both these films will give the viewer a very good overview of the entire 2006 battle for Joe Lieberman's Senate seat.
"Blog Wars" will be broadcast again
on Sundance Channel Thur. Nov. 1st 11:00 AM)

Footage from events such as Lieberman's staffers
attacking and shouting down Ned Lamont's appearance at a senior citizen housing complex will enrage you, and show just how nasty the Lieberman campaign got towards the end. But later in the film, Ned's hopeful optimism for the future if we all take part in the process is very encouraging.
The world premiere is
extra special because following the showing, there will be a Q&A session with
Ned Lamont, 2006 Republican candidate for Senate
Alan Schlesinger, and the film's creator
Corey Boutilier. This will be a good opportunity to ask those questions about what the candidates
REALLY think went on last year behind the scenes. There will also be notables in attendance, such as 4th Congressional District Democratic candidate Jim Himes and others.
The red carpet arrival (yes, I'm told there will actually be a
red carpet) and pre-screening reception in the lobby begins at 6PM, with the film starting at 7PM, and the Q&A session going from 8:30 to 9PM. There will also be an afterparty nearby from 9-11PM.
So make a night of it and come join the fun at the premiere!
Here's the info:
"Honk For Peace" has been officially selected to world premiere at this years Connecticut Film Festival.
Greenwich Criterion Theater Plaza 3
2 Railroad Ave. Greenwich, CT
(203) 869-4030(Exit 3 off I-95, go under railroad, then right on Railroad Ave)
Buy Tickets at at this link: MovieTickets.com
Price: $10 each (plus $1 service charge)Saturday
November 3rd, 20076pm-7pm Red Carpet Arrivals
7pm-9pm Film Screening and Q/A with Ned Lamont and Alan Schlesinger
9pm-11pm Gala After Party at the
Bruce MuseumOne Museum Drive (off Arch St.) Greenwich
Party for "Honk for Peace" and Charity Event
for Mr. Paul Newman's
"Hole In The Wall Gang".Suggested donation of $20-100 please (and dress like grown-ups!)
Please RSVP for the Bruce Museum after party to: