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ConnecticutBob.Com is a modest blog on the internet since 2006. Progressive ideas are encouraged, and all politically-minded and reasonable people are welcome. America is the greatest country in the world, but we'll invade you if you disagree.
I'm supporting Barack Obama for many reasons, but the most compelling reason for me is the undeniable leadership qualities he possesses. I truly believe he will be able to build a winning coalition in November and parlay that into being an extremely popular and effective President and world leader. This belief is not derived from any particular policy position he has taken. It is derived from his character and charisma, his unique take on things, his background as a professor of Constitutional Law and his willingness to say what needs to be said, even if we didn't know it needed to be said.About Dave: Dave Mooney is a software engineer at Fujifilm Medical Systems and an active member of the Stratford DTC. He also ran for State Rep in the 120th Assembly District in 2006.
His willingness and ability to challenge the status quo is also very appealing to me. As a State Senator in Illinois, he worked towards reforming how that state utilizes the death penalty. He has frozen out federal lobbyists and PACs from his presidential campaign and found financing from a record number of new, small contributors. He opposed the Iraq war at a time when few did. He knew it was a foolish endeavor before I came to that conclusion. He was smarter than me on this war and I appreciate that.
When Sen. Obama spoke at the 2004 convention, we all saw his potential to lead our nation. He has been in the Senate for just three years but how long does one need to have a job to realize the organization is broken beyond belief? We need to pluck him from that morass while he is still relatively pure and a little idealistic, while he can still see with an outsider's eyes. He is ready and our country is desperately ready for the kind of change Barack Obama represents.
For the past few weeks, my wife Bonnie and I have been running a phone bank for Obama right in Bob's hometown of Milford. We've mobilized volunteers from Straford, Milford and other towns to reach out to hundreds of voters in nearby towns. The reception has actually been astonishingly positive. It is not often when making political cold calls that you hear from the other end "Thank you for doing what your're doing," or "I appreciate the call!" The Connecticut primary is just ten days away as I write this and your vote in the Democratic primary may very well be for the next President of the United States. It will count more than it ever has in the past. The time has come to get motivated, get to work, get out the vote and get our country going in a fundamentally new and better direction.
COLUMBIA, South Carolina (Reuters) - Democrat Barack Obama expanded his lead on rival Hillary Clinton to 15 points heading into South Carolina's bitterly contested presidential primary, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Saturday.In other primary news, Sen. Hillary Clinton is appealing to the DNC to allow Florida's and Michigan's delegates to count in the national convention. This AP story via The Raw Story details the situation.
Obama, an Illinois senator, gained two points on Clinton overnight to lead 41 percent to 26 percent just hours before voting began in Saturday's primary. John Edwards was in third place after slipping two points to 19 percent.
The poll had a margin of error of 3.4 percentage points.
Obama has led Clinton by double-digits in all four days of polls in South Carolina, fueled by a huge advantage among the black voters who are expected to make up about half of the electorate in the first Democratic primary in the South.
Obama, who would be the first black U.S. president, was favored by 62 percent of black voters, with Clinton at 18 percent and Edwards at 5 percent.
Yesterday, the ACLU filed a brief supporting Craig. It cited a Minnesota Supreme Court ruling 38 years ago that found that people who have sex in closed stalls in public restrooms "have a reasonable expectation of privacy."Wow!
The ACLU argued that even if Craig was inviting the officer to have sex, his actions wouldn't be illegal.
Democratic candidate Dennis Kucinich, who received 1.4 percent of the New Hampshire primary vote, is demanding for a recount of Tuesday's primaries.
"This is not about me or Senator Clinton or Obama or what percentage they got, it is [about] the integrity of the election process," Kucinich said in an interview with Neil Cavuto on Fox's Your World this Friday.
When Cavuto asked why Kucinich thought there was no integrity present, Kucinich said he believes there’s a chance that the voting machines may have "made a mistake."
"The Americans have a concern about integrity and whether the machines have flaws in them. This is the first time there is an opportunity to be able to answer the question," he said.
Cavuto pointed out that neither Hillary Clinton nor Barack Obama have questioned the integrity of the elections, and asked Kucinich if he was just "stirring the pot."
"Look what happened in Florida in 2000, what happened in Ohio in 2004," Kucinich responded. "It's not about me, it is about the American people."
Secretary of State Bill Gardner has said that Kucinich must pay for the recounts under state law.
Kucinich said he doesn't expect the recount to affect the results, but that "it is imperative that these questions be addressed in the interest of public confidence in the integrity of the election process and the election machinery."
CT Bob: Congressman, what is the biggest obstacle to impeachment in the House currently?
Kucinich: The feeling that there’s a political advantage to the Democrats in letting the president stay in, being unchallenged, and more or less letting the people of the country render a judgement in the November election against all Republicans.
But that’s folly. Because what they’re doing actually is undermining the Constitution. Impeachment is mentioned six places in the Constitution, the founders felt very strongly about a remedy to achieve an effective check and balance.
So I’m gonna persist, and very soon I’ll be introducing articles, it’ll be about a fifty-count charge against the president.
CT Bob: Who is your biggest supporter in the impeachment drive?
Kucinich: The American people.
CT Bob: Very good, thank you Congressman.
Being a Christian is the best. It's not really OK to be a Jew unless you live in Israel, the Promised Land. Mormons should learn how to be more Christian. Everyone else should convert or die.To view the entire screed, which reads like the gospel of conservative opinions, click on The Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
The U.S. does well when huge corporations are allowed to do whatever they want. The more we can make rich people richer, the better it will be for everybody:
Rich people hire everyone else to work for them, making our economy robust.
Rich people got rich because of the free market system and their own individual efforts, for which they should be rewarded. Those people who aren't rich have only themselves to blame.
People in high office -- like the president and the vice-president -- have difficult, complicated jobs. If they forget to do stuff, or if they cut corners here and there, or if they tell a white lie now and then, that's OK, because the important thing is for them to protect us not only from bad things but also from thinking about bad things, unless they feel we need to. The only thing a president shouldn't do is to have sex with someone who's not his wife -- because that's a betrayal of the American people's trust...
"...I’ve decided to launch The Connecticut Progressive News Wire: a blog and (once we’re up to speed) weekly mailing list that will bring news, organizing and volunteer opportunities, legislative updates, job listings, and other resources from around the state together in one place."Congratulations, Matt! We look forward to having another forum for sharing ideas, making friends, and maybe even getting better government!
He blamed the news media, in part, for the Iowa outcome, contending that reporters have given a free pass to Senator Obama, who won the caucuses by a convincing eight percentage points.
Yet Mr Clinton remains a rock star among the Democratic Party faithful, and in a weekend speech, he framed his wife's candidacy as a resumption of his own tenure.
"Remember how bad the economy was when I was president?" he joked, touting Hillary Clinton's job-creation agenda. Citing her budget discipline, he noted: "We paid down the debt."
He slipped on velvet gloves to swipe at Senator Obama. "You have to decide what this election is about," Mr Clinton said. "Do you want a feeling of change, do you want the facts of change? … I have never known anybody who can make a more positive difference in more peoples' lives even without a political office.
If you make her president of the United States, there is no limit to what she will achieve. She will make a great, great president."
Sen. Barack Obama has opened up a 13 percentage point lead over Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in the battle for votes in Tuesday's New Hampshire primary, according to a USA TODAY/Gallup Poll conducted in the state from Friday through this afternoon. The results were just released.
On the Republican side, Sen. John McCain is 4 percentage points ahead of Mitt Romney.
The surveys of 776 New Hampshire residents who are "likely" to vote in the Republican primary and 778 New Hampshire residents who are "likely" to vote in the Democratic primary were all completed after the news from Thursday's Iowa caucuses had been reported.
The rundowns:
• Obama: 41%; up from 32% in the last USA TODAY/Gallup New Hampshire poll, taken in mid-December.
• Clinton: 28%; down from 32%.
• John Edwards: 19%; up from 18%.
• Gov. Bill Richardson: 6%; down from 8%.
• No one else above 3%.
• McCain: 34%; up from 27% in mid-December.
• Romney: 30%; down from 34%.
• Mike Huckabee: 13%; up from 9%.
• Rep. Ron Paul: 8%; down from 9%.
• Rudy Giuliani: 8%; down from 11%.
• No one else above 3%.
Each figure has a margin of error of +/- 4 percentage points. So Obama's lead is "outside" that range, while McCain's is not.
A new CNN/WMUR poll gives Obama a 10-point advantage over Clinton, and has McCain leading Romney by 6 points.