But I do want to give a tip of the hat to "My Left Nutmeg" because on last Thursday's Ned Lamont interview on Air America radio's The Majority Report, that name caused Janeane Garafolo to completely lose it. She laughed loudly enough to drown out the other blogs listed afterwards (fortunately, "Connecticut Bob" got squeezed in just before MLN).

Because, come November, we're all hoping that we'll be living in "ConNEDticut".
UPDATE: Spazeboy took my suggestion and ran with it. In fact, he did a better job at it than me. Brat. Take a look at his ConNEDticut signs below.

Bob, I liked your idea, but I thought using some road-sign fonts would create a better effect, so here are two variations of your theme that I made. Spread 'em 'round.
one variation
another variation
Consider it a bribe of sorts, to keep that blooper reel on the cutting room floor.
Nice job! Yeah, that road-side font looks great.
And I've got you saying "I'm a little nervous about this," around 15 times on tape. I'm thinking of a video montage, hee-hee!
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