ConnecticutBob.Com is a modest blog on the internet since 2006. Progressive ideas are encouraged, and all politically-minded and reasonable people are welcome. America is the greatest country in the world, but we'll invade you if you disagree.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Sen. Boxer and Sen. Lieberman today
UPDATE: The fabulous Maura has a very detailed account of the encounter in this post at Fire Dog Lake. Go check it out!
Immediately after Barbara Boxer's seemingly unenthusiastic endorsement of Joe Lieberman, I ask Joe some tough questions. Concerned Irish-Democrat Maura joins in with a question of her own. (...and Maura completely ROCKS!)
More video will be posted later, but now I've got to get ready to go to Waterbury and maybe say Hi! to Mr. Bill.
How powerful is this new way to communicate?? This video is already causing progressives to call Boxer's office to complain about her performance. A new age and CtBob is one the growing leaders as is the person from IL that did the Lieberman sucks video and the 15 year old that is leading the way on Peace with Courage. Hold on because our world is changing a the speed of light.
It's this new way to communicate and the power that goes with it that has incumbents like Boxer and many others feeling so frightened and threatened. Suddenly the rules of the old game have been changed and Lamont as the figurehead of these changes HAS to be stopped. Of course, stopping Lamont isn't going to hold back any changes but nobody's thinking all that rationally right now. All they can see is that All they can see is that these alien "blogger" invaders are disrupting their cozy little incumbency.
I don't know if endorsements ever meant a whole lot to individual voters, but they seem to be meaning less and less now. What sane person decides to vote on what Planned Parenthood, Joe Biden, or the local teamsters tells them to do?
Really excellent job. I think bloggers are the new, 21st century pamphleteers.
With 20-20 hindsight I would have had two questions for Senator Boxer from the Jim Lehrer school of journalism:
1. Will you return to Connecticut after the August 8th primary to campaign for the Democratic Party nominee for U.S. Senate?
2. You have disagreed with Senator Lieberman on a number of issues over the years -- the War in Iraq, the Alito cloture vote, the Lewinsky investigation, and others. On which issues do you differ with Senator Lieberman's challenger, Ned Lamont?
Somebody can still ask her these two questions, of course.
I'm sure that California has the same kinds of disgusted dems that CT has. I hope that they see this video and draw inspiration from the little state in the east.
I think that if Loserman still wants to serve his country after he loses the primary. I take a collection to get him a uniform and a plane ticket to Iraq. See how pro war he is after he gets shot at a few times. Strange how the most pro war members of Congress have never served in a War Zone. Sending someone else to die when your not willing to do it yourself is Cowardice.
Kudos to you, Bob. The video got me so worked up that I opted out of Boxer's PAC emails and then sent her a longer email from her Congressional website. She and the other Dem leaders (??) stirred the pot big time.
What are you people going to do when Joe wins the primary, by the way - vote for Lieberman or spend your day on a bridge somewhere pondering whether or not to jump?
You guys would have been SO proud. Lieberman's handlers only allowed two questions from the media. The first was about the war, and the second was from CTBob.
They must have gotten the sense that they weren't going to get any softballs from there on out, so they totally cut off questioning there and tried to shoo Lieberman and Boxer out the door.
Luckily, CTBob was on the sidewalk with his trusty camera. He was amazing!!!!!! I LOVE how Lieberman says at the end, "You just don't stop, do you?" No, we don't!!!!
Most bloggers that I know in CT are loyal Democrats. We'll support the winner of the Democratic primary, respecting the Democratic primary process and respecting the will of primary voters. That's how it works in a democracy. I only wish Joe Lieberman was as respectful
Shit! I haven't heard that much insincerity in quite some time.
I've already written Boxer once about this kind of shit and, as a Californian, I sure hope to hell she's listening (though I truly hold out little hope so far). Looks like I've got to repeat myself.
I loved Lieberman's final comment, "You're not going to give up, are you?"
You folks are walking point. Keep it up. Keep it up. Show us the way. GREAT JOB!! Real reporting is not dead.
I thought Senator Boxer was a professional, and respectful to her long time friendship with Lieberman. Don't start trashing my senator. I'm glad Lieberman is sweating and I think that he is a traitor and poor loser (hopefully). But keep your 'got-ya' cams, finger wagging and key punching diatribes away from Senator Boxer. LALAland Hollywood Cali
Sen. Boxer and former President Bill Clinton are supporting Lieberman not because of some great personal friendship, but because of pressure from AIPEC, the real United States Government. They are being forced to speak out in his favor. Like the rest of our Congress members, the above-named two DINOs are owned and controlled by said AIPEC. Money talks - Bullsh!t Walks.
Well done with the video. This Lieberman contest has some interest in the UK - it's all because of Iraq. Spain and Italy went to the opposition following recent general elections because of previous governments' suppoert for Bush and Iraq. The Left vote in the UK was split- reducing the number of Labour MP's because of a switch to the Liberal Democrat Party(who are perceived as anti-war). And a anti-war former Labour MP defeated a pro-war Labour MP in one constituency in East London. It appears the mid-terms will see a reduction in the Republican vote - perhaps also for the DINO's. Keep up this good work.
What a total phoney baloney that Barbara Boxer is! She and Lieberman are shining examples of the feckless, gutless Democrats who make nicey nice with the Nazis. And that goes for Hillary too! You're right gang, it's time to show some of these fence sitters that we want our party back and that nobody's seat is safe.
As a resident of Indiana and not Calif or CT. I am stunned. Slamming barbara Boxer, who is one of the toughest best Democrats I have ever seen is cutting off your nose to spite your face. What the hell do you people want... Ralph Nader? Get a life.
Look, Barbara Boxer is the ONE CA senator that is actually doing a good job. While she screwed up at the beginning of Bush's term, she has come out more and more to properly represent the people of CA. She is not a "DINO" like someone said. She is easially one of the most liberal people in congress.
Having said that though, I would say to her. "Get the hell out of CT!!!" Her personal endorsement of Lieberman is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I know that she is trying to help her friend, and I am sure that the Dem party put pressure on her to help out.
What is really happening is that the Leadership of the Dem party is seeing the liberal majority of the party wake up and stretch it's power. The Leadership is really frightned of what will happen if the majority of the party take over and kick their sorry corporatist asses out. So remember this is a power struggle between Us and the people in power. It is high time that we remind the Dem Leadership who THEY work for.
About Barbara Boxer: I really like her and her politics. This wasn't about slamming her.
What this is all about is accountability.
Accountability for supporting a neocon turncoat Democrat, and standing up for him. And apologizing for him, without even knowing the facts.
Living in the ivory tower of the Senate, it's obvious that many of these politicians are well insulated from dealing with the real issues. They are too used to being fed carefully filtered information, and taking that as pure fact.
That's a major reason we got into this stupid "War in Iraq" in the first place; our politicians (whom we're supposed to trust) let Bush lie to us, and THEY CONTINUE to let him get away with it. No accountability.
I doubt that Boxer is used to being challenged with reality like she was yesterday, and I'm sorry that she ended up looking bad. But if she's going to campaign for a neocon and have the facts wrong, she's going to be called out on it.
And the only reason she was asked these questions at ALL is because Maura and I don't need continued access to these politicians. A reporter from the MSM is expected to throw softball questions to the candidates because if they're too tough on them, they'll be frozen out from all future access. That's how these campaigns work. So it's either play along, or you get shut out. It's the reporter's livelyhoods at stake.
We don't live under any such restrictions. And THAT is what gives us the freedom to ask the tough questions. If I can't get access to any politicians after this, big deal. I'll be fine. In fact, I'll be glad when this campaign is over so I can have my normal life back. I don't need to be a "hero".
"People Powered Media" is going to be an important factor in how the voters will get their information and make up their minds.
And for that, I'm proud to help, even in this small way.
Let's start the Revolution:Let's vote out all imcumbent Dinos who are on Liberman's side.Boxer is a liar plain and simple you just saw the video of her making up shit.I will not contribute to a liar nor will I vote for her we can get another dem who is more progressive and who would be straight with the voters.
CTBob- haven't had time to read all of the comments. I don't agree with the conclusions in this piece, but agree with some of the what-ifs- you are famous/ infamous. M/VG
The DLC & AIPAC lobby has its work cut out for it. Looks like Joe will be going down, but they are still well in control. Still, the iron is hot, STRIKE!
Contraceptive issue creating political storm Gregory B. Hladky 03/13/2006
Rape counseling activists say a recent study shows that about 20 percent of hospitals in Connecticut — including the state’s four Catholic hospitals — fail to routinely offer contraceptives to all rape victims.
They said all rape victims deserve to be offered emergency contraceptives immediately at whatever hospital they go to for treatment. Rape victims, they argue, are often physical and emotional wrecks, and that sending them to another hospital or a pharmacy to obtain contraceptives amounts to cruelty.
U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, who often takes a conservative line on social issues, is facing a liberal Democratic primary challenge from wealthy Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont. But that hasn’t stopped Lieberman from supporting the approach of the Catholic hospitals when it comes to contraceptives for rape victims.
Lieberman said he believes hospitals that refuse to give contraceptives to rape victims for "principled reasons" shouldn’t be forced to do so. "In Connecticut, it shouldn’t take more than a short ride to get to another hospital," he said.
Remind me always to stay in Maura's good graces.
Way to go CT Bob.
Great image. You're the man, Bob.
I really hate you for having this much fun without me.
Boxer just lost my support. Another DINO to be ousted.
I hope you brought a clean pair of shorts :)
Appreciate your dedication, Bob, your a people's hero. Keep it up.
Urban Pirate (Justin)
CT Bob and Maura -
Speaking truth to power.
Keep up the great work.
could someone paraphrase what happened for me?
videos dont work at work
Justin, as you well know, I have a LOT of frustration that needed to be taken out...poor Babs and Joe simply got in the way. LOL!
Anonymous 3:51,
Download Flash Player to watch the videos.
Really annoying that Boxer just makes stuff up about Joe's position on emergency contraception.
How powerful is this new way to communicate?? This video is already causing progressives to call Boxer's office to complain about her performance. A new age and CtBob is one the growing leaders as is the person from IL that did the Lieberman sucks video and the 15 year old that is leading the way on Peace with Courage. Hold on because our world is changing a the speed of light.
"How powerful is this new way to communicate??"
It's this new way to communicate and the power that goes with it that has incumbents like Boxer and many others feeling so frightened and threatened. Suddenly the rules of the old game have been changed and Lamont as the figurehead of these changes HAS to be stopped. Of course, stopping Lamont isn't going to hold back any changes but nobody's thinking all that rationally right now. All they can see is that All they can see is that these alien "blogger" invaders are disrupting their cozy little incumbency.
All they can see is that All they can see is that these alien "blogger" invaders are disrupting their cozy little incumbency.
...and it's breaking my heart.
Wow. Great job. Thanks for dogging those senators and keeping the political conversation honest.
That didn't look easy. Those folks dodge questions for a living and you're keeping at them. I'm really proud to share a political party with you.
Hey, didn't CT NARAL or CT PP refuse to go along with the D.C. establishment?
This is fabulous, I admire you guys so much for the work that you are doing. And you were cordial even when Leaverman was arrogant.
Maura is teh reporter.
Good point, brubenstein!
I don't know if endorsements ever meant a whole lot to individual voters, but they seem to be meaning less and less now. What sane person decides to vote on what Planned Parenthood, Joe Biden, or the local teamsters tells them to do?
Fan-freaking-tastic work Bob. Another day like today and Joe won't even want to be seen in public!
A BIG WTG you guys, Bob and Maura the Hero's of the Day, Beautiful work great questions,
Really excellent job. I think bloggers are the new, 21st century pamphleteers.
With 20-20 hindsight I would have had two questions for Senator Boxer from the Jim Lehrer school of journalism:
1. Will you return to Connecticut after the August 8th primary to campaign for the Democratic Party nominee for U.S. Senate?
2. You have disagreed with Senator Lieberman on a number of issues over the years -- the War in Iraq, the Alito cloture vote, the Lewinsky investigation, and others. On which issues do you differ with Senator Lieberman's challenger, Ned Lamont?
Somebody can still ask her these two questions, of course.
I'm sure that California has the same kinds of disgusted dems that CT has. I hope that they see this video and draw inspiration from the little state in the east.
I think that if Loserman still wants to serve his country after he loses the primary. I take a collection to get him a uniform and a plane ticket to Iraq. See how pro war he is after he gets shot at a few times. Strange how the most pro war members of Congress have never served in a War Zone. Sending someone else to die when your not willing to do it yourself is Cowardice.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT you guys rock!
Kudos to you, Bob. The video got me so worked up that I opted out of Boxer's PAC emails and then sent her a longer email from her Congressional website. She and the other Dem leaders (??) stirred the pot big time.
What Spazeboy said! And then some!
Nice, thanks =)
Even Barbara Boxer is no longer far left wacked out enough to placate Moonbat Nation.
What are you people going to do when Joe wins the primary, by the way - vote for Lieberman or spend your day on a bridge somewhere pondering whether or not to jump?
CT Bob is my hero today!
You guys would have been SO proud. Lieberman's handlers only allowed two questions from the media. The first was about the war, and the second was from CTBob.
They must have gotten the sense that they weren't going to get any softballs from there on out, so they totally cut off questioning there and tried to shoo Lieberman and Boxer out the door.
Luckily, CTBob was on the sidewalk with his trusty camera. He was amazing!!!!!! I LOVE how Lieberman says at the end, "You just don't stop, do you?" No, we don't!!!!
Hey, cranky anon,
Most bloggers that I know in CT are loyal Democrats. We'll support the winner of the Democratic primary, respecting the Democratic primary process and respecting the will of primary voters. That's how it works in a democracy. I only wish Joe Lieberman was as respectful
Rock the hell on, dude...
I live in CA and would say that I'll be voting against Boxer next time around... but I wouldn't vote for any Democrat even if you paid me.
"Thank you, Senator." "Thank you." "Thank you." "Yes. Thank you."
Shit! I haven't heard that much insincerity in quite some time.
I've already written Boxer once about this kind of shit and, as a Californian, I sure hope to hell she's listening (though I truly hold out little hope so far). Looks like I've got to repeat myself.
I loved Lieberman's final comment, "You're not going to give up, are you?"
You folks are walking point. Keep it up. Keep it up. Show us the way. GREAT JOB!! Real reporting is not dead.
The Cranky Curmudgeon
I thought Senator Boxer was a professional, and respectful to her long time friendship with Lieberman.
Don't start trashing my senator.
I'm glad Lieberman is sweating and I think that he is a traitor and poor loser (hopefully).
But keep your 'got-ya' cams, finger wagging and key punching diatribes away from Senator Boxer.
LALAland Hollywood Cali
Sen. Boxer and former President Bill Clinton are supporting Lieberman not because of some great personal friendship, but because of pressure from AIPEC, the real United States Government.
They are being forced to speak out in his favor.
Like the rest of our Congress members, the above-named two DINOs are owned and controlled by said AIPEC.
Money talks - Bullsh!t Walks.
When will some of you bloggers go after some republicans and get them on tape?
California needs to do to Boxer what Connecticut is doing to Lieberman.
Speak truth to power.
Wowie zowie. That was fun. Makes me glad to live in CT.
Makes me want to live in CT.
Great video.
I would love to ask Lieberman two questions:
First, do you think that the Democrats should have primary elections?
And second, if so, why do you refuse to respect the results?
Well done with the video. This Lieberman contest has some interest in the UK - it's all because of Iraq. Spain and Italy went to the opposition following recent general elections because of previous governments' suppoert for Bush and Iraq. The Left vote in the UK was split- reducing the number of Labour MP's because of a switch to the Liberal Democrat Party(who are perceived as anti-war). And a anti-war former Labour MP defeated a pro-war Labour MP in one constituency in East London.
It appears the mid-terms will see a reduction in the Republican vote - perhaps also for the DINO's.
Keep up this good work.
Boxer? A complete disappointment to this California Democrat.
Lieberman? Shameless hypocrite.
Connecticut Bob? Wow. This was so powerful in its simplicity. Thank you. Who needs the MSM, anyway?
What a total phoney baloney that Barbara Boxer is! She and Lieberman are shining examples of the feckless, gutless Democrats who make nicey nice with the Nazis. And that goes for Hillary too! You're right gang, it's time to show some of these fence sitters that we want our party back and that nobody's seat is safe.
I'm loving the arrival of Leiber-Trolls on the CT Bob website.
Their arrival is a clear sign that the Leiberfolk are running scared of Bob!
Keep up the great work!
WWWWOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOO!!! Get that bastard out of the senate! And send Boxer with him!
Great Job! Keep up the great work.
Incumbancy needs to be challenged in every state, to make sure the people are represented.
you da man!
Those were great questions and I'm glad someone asked them. I noticed the press corps were asking about the independent run.
Gosh, Joe, doesn't look like the campaign stops are going too well. Joementum sux apparently.
Thanks for doing the job of an independent press.
As a resident of Indiana and not Calif or CT. I am stunned. Slamming barbara Boxer, who is one of the toughest best Democrats I have ever seen is cutting off your nose to spite your face. What the hell do you people want... Ralph Nader? Get a life.
Look, Barbara Boxer is the ONE CA senator that is actually doing a good job. While she screwed up at the beginning of Bush's term, she has come out more and more to properly represent the people of CA. She is not a "DINO" like someone said. She is easially one of the most liberal people in congress.
Having said that though, I would say to her. "Get the hell out of CT!!!" Her personal endorsement of Lieberman is leaving a bad taste in my mouth. I know that she is trying to help her friend, and I am sure that the Dem party put pressure on her to help out.
What is really happening is that the Leadership of the Dem party is seeing the liberal majority of the party wake up and stretch it's power. The Leadership is really frightned of what will happen if the majority of the party take over and kick their sorry corporatist asses out. So remember this is a power struggle between Us and the people in power. It is high time that we remind the Dem Leadership who THEY work for.
I live in CA and I just emailed Boxer's office sharing my disgust for her doublespeak in CT...thanks for a great video...I will share it with others
About Barbara Boxer: I really like her and her politics. This wasn't about slamming her.
What this is all about is accountability.
Accountability for supporting a neocon turncoat Democrat, and standing up for him. And apologizing for him, without even knowing the facts.
Living in the ivory tower of the Senate, it's obvious that many of these politicians are well insulated from dealing with the real issues. They are too used to being fed carefully filtered information, and taking that as pure fact.
That's a major reason we got into this stupid "War in Iraq" in the first place; our politicians (whom we're supposed to trust) let Bush lie to us, and THEY CONTINUE to let him get away with it. No accountability.
I doubt that Boxer is used to being challenged with reality like she was yesterday, and I'm sorry that she ended up looking bad. But if she's going to campaign for a neocon and have the facts wrong, she's going to be called out on it.
And the only reason she was asked these questions at ALL is because Maura and I don't need continued access to these politicians. A reporter from the MSM is expected to throw softball questions to the candidates because if they're too tough on them, they'll be frozen out from all future access. That's how these campaigns work. So it's either play along, or you get shut out. It's the reporter's livelyhoods at stake.
We don't live under any such restrictions. And THAT is what gives us the freedom to ask the tough questions. If I can't get access to any politicians after this, big deal. I'll be fine. In fact, I'll be glad when this campaign is over so I can have my normal life back. I don't need to be a "hero".
"People Powered Media" is going to be an important factor in how the voters will get their information and make up their minds.
And for that, I'm proud to help, even in this small way.
CTBob, great job as always. Have you seen this yet today?
"Those people dodge questions for a living."
Truer words were never spoken.
Good job in CT you guys. I think a big help in this sort of activism will be video. Candid Camera will live again.
Let's start the Revolution:Let's vote out all imcumbent Dinos who are on Liberman's side.Boxer is a liar plain and simple you just saw the video of her making up shit.I will not contribute to a liar nor will I vote for her we can get another dem who is more progressive and who would be straight with the voters.
Bob - it might not seem like it but this is a big breakthrough. You are a true patriot!
CTBob- haven't had time to read all of the comments. I don't agree with the conclusions in this piece, but agree with some of the what-ifs- you are famous/ infamous.
The DLC & AIPAC lobby has its work cut out for it. Looks like Joe will be going down, but they are still well in control. Still, the iron is hot, STRIKE!
Bravo to your excellent work! Thank you!
CBS Blog
Why is Boxer denying that LIEberman said this???
Contraceptive issue creating political storm
Gregory B. Hladky
Rape counseling activists say a recent study shows that about 20 percent of hospitals in Connecticut — including the state’s four Catholic hospitals — fail to routinely offer contraceptives to all rape victims.
They said all rape victims deserve to be offered emergency contraceptives immediately at whatever hospital they go to for treatment. Rape victims, they argue, are often physical and emotional wrecks, and that sending them to another hospital or a pharmacy to obtain contraceptives amounts to cruelty.
U.S. Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman, who often takes a conservative line on social issues, is facing a liberal Democratic primary challenge from wealthy Greenwich businessman Ned Lamont. But that hasn’t stopped Lieberman from supporting the approach of the Catholic hospitals when it comes to contraceptives for rape victims.
Lieberman said he believes hospitals that refuse to give contraceptives to rape victims for "principled reasons" shouldn’t be forced to do so. "In Connecticut, it shouldn’t take more than a short ride to get to another hospital," he said.
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