Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ned is Waking Up Wal-mart!

Here's a really fun video of Ned Lamont at the "Wake Up Wal-Mart" rally that was held at frickin' NOON on the hottest day in Bridgeport since the SUN first ignited. Yeah, it was THAT hot!

This video is about three minutes long, but I promise it has a lot of action and some cool music near the end. With subtitles and dissolves. (OK, I'm selling this video a little TOO much!) Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

Brilliant, Bob! Just brilliant! You're responsible for my third big laugh of the day. The "Wang Chung" effect is perfect.

Anonymous said...

Woops, that was me above. :-)

CT Bob said...

Maura!!! Thanks...

Gotta have the "Wang Chung" at the end!

It's Ned's favorite karioke song!

Anonymous said...

Isnt lamont a corporate business man??? Doesnt he own shares of Walmart.. Uh oh not as great as we thought.