Monday, May 09, 2011

Mayor Richetelli not seeking re-election

BREAKING NEWS: Milford Mayor Jim Richetelli just announced that he won't seek a sixth term in office.

Sources close to the mayor report that he will accept a position within the Milford school system described as "Director of Operations" for a salary estimated to be $130,000.

Some members of the Milford Democratic Town Committee question the news, as several say they've never heard of a "Director of Operations" in the Board of Education, stating that there is a Superintendent of Schools position, which apparently has already been filled.

More news will be posted as it comes in.

UPDATE: The position is being described as "Deputy Superintendent of Schools".

UPDATE II: The Milford Mirror says "Richetelli will take the job of Deputy Superintendent of Operations under School Supt. Elizabeth Feser."

UPDATE III: Appointed by the Republican majority Board of Education, beating out 33 other applicants, despite having absolutely ZERO experience in education. I wonder if any of the other applicants have been inside a school since they graduated from high school?

UPDATE IV: A person commented that "His new position does not involve teaching or educational administration -- but rather: 'In his new job, Richetelli will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of all school facilities, budget preparation and student transportation, among many other duties'. Source: Milford Mirror." Fair enough.


oldswede said...

This sounded familiar to something Bridgeport related and, sure enough, a quick search found this: Fabrizi set for return to schools
It's disturbing how many politicians think that our educational system exists for them to exploit and manipulate.

Anonymous said...

The comment about Richetelli having zero experience in education is irrelevant and premature. His new position does not involve teaching or educational administration -- but rather: "In his new job, Richetelli will be responsible for the operation and maintenance of all school facilities, budget preparation and student transportation, among many other duties". Source: Milford Mirror. Bill