During the Q&A portion of the talk, Mike Brown asked Dan about his famous appearance on "Fox & Friends". Malloy launched into an amusing anecdote (video below) that explained the sad and pathetic attempt at a very typical FoxNews "gotcha" that distorted the facts for their own political agenda.
Now that you know the background, here's the original interview:
BTW, my new Fujifilm J10 digital camera I bought to replace my old one with the busted LCD display has a big audio problem when recording video; it has a static/roaring sound. So the 50 frickin' minutes of video I shot last night is completely unusable. I can't tell you how pissed I am about that. And now I have to return the camera.
Thankfully, Chris from MalloyForConnecticut.com taped the talk and posted the video up above early today, saving the day for me. Good job on the video!
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If Malloy didn't come off as a bumbling lunatic in his FOX interview, I might actually have some respect for what he did (show up a pompous, big-network personality). To me, it just seemed as though Malloy had an axe to grind, but did so in a very un-eloquent, crazy-guy-next-door way.
Yes, he did have an axe to grind; the intellectual dishonesty of Fox needed some grinding down! To do the pre-interview simply to look for a SINGLE item to make a big stink over, and then try to ambush Malloy with it, is simply amateurish and pathetic. It's the kind of thing a highly opinionated wise-assed blogger (like me!) might do; certainly not what a high-profile cable network should indulge in!
Douchey ended up looking like the impotent jackass he is, and finally someone had the skills to slam him and his sham "news" organization.
I didn't see any "bumbling" as you say; Malloy was concise and on-message, and called Douchey out to finally start "telling the truth, sooner or later", which was spot-on perfect!
Malloy looked like the tax and spend liberal fool that he is. Does he not know how to answer a simple question? No wonder Connecticut is in such deep financial trouble.
Stop with the FOX whining, they're are ahead of the rest for a reason.
Oh and BTW, How's Malloy's kid doing? Illegal guns and drugs is it?
OK, you're not even trying to be serious now. I get it; you hate Democrats. Be sure to send a thank-you card to Rupert Murdoch for rotting your brain.
Have a nice day!
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