Why is it that Joe Lieberman can't even criticize President Bush without making it sound like a compliment?
Why not say something more meaningful, like this:
"President Bush deserves our scorn for invading Iraq on false pretenses, and as a result of his illegal and immoral war we were left critically understaffed in the National Guard and other emergency response agencies, which impeded the relief efforts significantly."
Maybe Senator Lieberman doesn't mention that because he voted FOR the war, and continues to insist it's a necessary policy. The $250,000,000 a day we're spending over in Iraq can buy a LOT of goddamned sandbags. And it would also rebuild and strengthen the levees, provide relief for people who lost their homes, and put a lot of money into the U.S. economy.
He has to know in his heart of hearts that he's complicit in the disastrous aftermath of Katrina.
Joe Lieberman = protection of Israel and Israeli interests ( explains a lot ). This is the elephant in the room.
I imagine that after Joe loses his Senate seat, he'll end up as a highly sought after lobbyist for Israeli interests.
Joe also had a prominent role in getting Brownie confirmed in the Senate, he probably does not want to talk about that either...
We are now told that FEMA is so dysfunctional it should be disbanded. Does not Joe share oversight of FEMA with Ms. Collins?
What gives, Joe? How did this happen right under your nose?
Yeah, Lieberman isn't speaking for me, that's for sure. Bush squandered a magnificent opportunity to build a lasting alliance with the rest of the world against terrorists. It only took him about a year and a half to completely waste it.
Leadership? Not that I've ever seen...
I feel conflicted about whether to see "Flight 93"...maybe on DVD, where I can pause it; I really don't think I'd like to watch it in a theater.
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