According to WTNH's ConnPolitics.tv, Ned Lamont will formally announce his candidacy for governor on Tuesday at the Old State House in Hartford.
Lamont formed an exploratory committee for Governor right after the November election, and his announcement of his candidacy was anticipated any day now. To contribute and to stay informed on his campaign, please visit NedLamont.com.
(h/t Kirby)
I hope to be at the press conference..... BUT I may be home sick and un-competetitve on that day....
Damn it.
So, you're fine with Lamont if he decides to support sick days, right?
Not if this is just the first sign of his shedding the disguise of a would-be-progressive to reveal yet another species of that most slippery of reptiles, the DINO-sore.
Of course he won't.
BTW, Lamont wasn't talking about all business being exempt, just those with under fifty employees. I'm still not crazy about his position on this issue, but it's a little detail that often does get ignored in the debate.
And I'm fine if you support Dan Malloy. I think he's a great guy, and he'd make a fine governor, too.
You mean - The guy who said of the woman who has sliced and diced the state's social service programs past the bone, while protecting tax cuts/breaks for CT's wealthiest: "I’ve never questioned that she had the state’s best interests at heart."
Yeah, I really really really trust THAT guy.... Salt of the earth.
OK, so who's your hero, your knight in shining armor? Who do YOU think is going to save the state from disaster? You got the balls to publicly own your candidate?
Sarah Pail-in?
CT Bob,
Thanks for asking!
I'm way too old to believe in heros or saviors.
Just honest, compassionate, smart people trying to do their jobs.
And it's too early for endorsements, because the candidates have said so little of substance yet.
But these are some of the people I like:
Lt. Gov: Lembo
Gov: Figueroa
AG: None of the above
Senate: None of the above (Blumenthal is a great AG, but he's gung-ho for the war in Afghanistan and thus morally disqualified).
And you??
Figueroa? Oh, I thought we were talking about people who actually had a realistic chance of winning! Now I understand why you chose such a childish handle; you're bitter that your guy doesn't have a chance in hell. Did you create that online poll?
Agreed about Kevin Lembo, though. He's a great guy and will make a great LT.Gov. and eventually Governor. AG, I haven't decided yet. Senate, Blumie is gonna be the nominee regardless of how I feel about him, and I'll support him 100% over ANY of the Republican bozos in the race.
CT Bob,
Yes, I created the poll that Figueroa easily won.
I also created all the voters.
I created Organizing for Connecticut.
And in my spare time, I created their candidate - that Obama fellow (worked late on that one, mostly on the weekends).
I can't create a cure, though, for your advanced case of DCPPC (Depressive Cool Pseduo-Pragmatic Cynicism). Perhaps Cymbalta and Wellbutrin, with an Adderall chaser?
But see - we agree on something.... Mr. Lembo. Go, Kevin!
DCPPC - LOL! I knew there was something wrong with me!
I think I need a prescription for a fifth of Glenfiddich, 12 years or older.
I can't wait!
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