"...he is 'absorbing' the reaction he's receiving about a possible bid for the U.S. Senate, saying he wants to first gauge the level of grassroots support before making a decision."You want a reaction, Ralph? Well, here it is:
"Just shut the fuck up and go away!"
I used to be a huge fan of yours, Ralph. You've done a lot of amazing things for consumer safety and helped pioneer corporate oversight. For many years you were a true hero to the American people. I'm sure I speak for many when I thank you for your public service.
But you've changed, Ralph. You've become the sort of politician who appears to be in it just for his own ego. Hey, I know it's fun to talk into a microphone and have everyone in the room hang on to your every single word. I'm sure it was a huge ego boost to realize that your candidacy directly affected the outcome of the 2000 presidential election.
Congratulations. You did that, Ralph! You helped get us stuck with the toxic policies of George W. Bush for eight fucking years. While there were many other reasons the Democrats "lost" in 2000, you certainly played a significant role in that outcome. Well done, Ralphie.
But now it's time to get off that podium and just STFU. Go ahead and sell your stupid books, lecture at colleges, and make the occasional appearance on MSNBC or even Fox News if that's what floats your boat. But just stay out of the 2010 race.
You're kind of a dupe if you allow people to talk you into running under the Green Party. You know you'll get some cash, mostly from wealthy GOP supporters who have the clarity of vision to know that you'll receive most of your votes from the Democrats. For them, it's money well-spent. An investment, if you will, in winning a seat for their Republican candidate.
If putting a Republican in the Senate is your ultimate goal here, then you'll run. I can't stop you from doing that. But if you think for a nanosecond that you have even a fleeting chance of winning this thing; that you won't be anything but a spoiler for the Democrats, you've completely lost your mind! We're going into an election where every vote will count, and we likely won't be able to afford you your vanity run this time around.
I hate to have to be the one to break it to you, Ralph. Because as I said, I used to have nothing but respect for you. That is, before you turned into a vapid caricature of yourself, with a heaping dose of Liebermanesque ego and the political myopia of Neville Chamberlain.
You said "I'm just absorbing a lot of the feedback before I make a decision..."
Well, kindly absorb this little nugget of feedback, Ralph; from me to you:
"You running for Senate in 2010 will do zero good for anyone...except Ralph Nader and the GOP."