Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I Assure You, We're Open

(from Monday, in front of the Smithsonian)

It's just shy of noon on the 21st. Today is the first full non-Bush day America has seen in eight long years. I'd probably be a bit happier about it if I wasn't slightly hungover.

I'm at the internet cafe trying to post stuff, but it's very slow going. If I can't post my photos today, I'll try to get some of them online tonight.

Thank you Kirby for holding down the fort! You did a fantastic job yesterday with the updates and your original posts. Communications got difficult later in the day, and by the time the President and First Lady walked by, I couldn't dial out. After that, Joyce and I left the parade about half-way through and headed back to VA. I crashed hard about 8PM and slept for a couple hours, then Maura, Melissa and us talked and laughed for hours. I think I finally got back to sleep around 2:30 this morning.

I'm going to try to post photos now, but again, if they don't work I'll post them later.

And let's hear a round of applause for Kirby!!!!


Anonymous said...

woot Kirby! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Definitely: luv to Kirby!

Kirby said...

Thank you, thank you! It was my pleasure to chronicle such a fun day! Almost as fun as the night Ned won the primary!

Authentic Connecticut Republican said...

Actually; that was really well done.