Friday, March 23, 2007

Miami journalist gets "Krayeske'd"

The Raw Story is reporting that a former contributor was arrested for taking pictures in a situation that mirrors Ken Krayeske's recent arrest.

Granted, as far as anyone knows, the Miami P.D. didn't have a "hit list" with journalist Carlos Miller's name on it, but his lawful right to do his job in a peaceful manner was denied him and he was arrested on eerily familiar trumped-up charges of "resisting arrest". The police affidavit lists the charges as five counts of failure to obey a police officer, and one count each of obstructing justice, disorderly conduct, and resisting arrest without violence.

The entire story is located on the blog "Category 305" and is very detailed. Having read the account, I gotta admit that Miller's definitely a troublemaker, but in the GOOD sense of the word! Here's a quote from the article that says it all:
Miller then made the decision that probably got him thrown in jail. He reached up with one arm and snapped a photo of (arresting officer Sgt.) Rahming. “I knew it pissed him off,“ Miller admitted, “But it’s not illegal.”

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