second (*) organizational meeting on
Thursday, January 18,2007!The meeting will be held at the Howard Johnson’s "Harbor Room" (where the Blog Wars screening was held) in Milford off exit 39A on I-95. Stay right, just off the exit.
The meet and greet will run from 6:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m. with the business meeting starting at 7 o’clock.
(h/t to Neal Fink for the CFL website and graphic)- Come one, come all who want to help the CFL keep
Senator Joe Lieberman accountable.
- Come critics, opponents and bloggers who have ideas for the CFL.
- Come honorary Members (people who wish
to remain in their own political party but wish to support the goals of the CFL.
(* The first meeting was Professor Orman getting elected to the chair by a 100% margin)What are the goals of the Connecticut for Lieberman Party?The
preliminary Connecticut for Lieberman Party platform (and this
can and
should be discussed and modified at the organizational meeting) is for
Joe Lieberman to:
1. Stop
misleading Connecticut voters by saying one month before the last election that no one wants to bring the troops home more than Joe Lieberman and then calling for a robust, substantial and sustained troop increase in Iraq.
2. Call for a sore loser law in Connecticut named the
“Lieberman law” to prohibit major party candidates from running in the election after they lose a party primary. Our party also favors moving up the deadline for petitioning candidates to one month before the primaries.
3. Call for new legislation which would provide for
recall elections in Connecticut.
4. Join the new Connecticut for Lieberman Party, a party he promised the Secretary of State that he would form, but
he did not.5. Stop blindly supporting Bush’s Iraq war policy since over
75% of Connecticut citizens do not support those policies.
6. Stop cavorting with
Fox News network's conservatives to bash those opposed to the war in Iraq and to stop pushing for more war in other countries in the region.
7. Lead the charge for
national health care.8. Lead the fight against President Bush’s assault on
civil liberties and the U.S. Constitution.
9. Lead the fights against the
surveillance of Connecticut citizens by state authorities because they do not support Connecticut incumbents.
10. And lastly Senator Lieberman, please come to our meeting so we can have along talk about how you have
LET US DOWN! Thank you,
John Orman, Chair
Currently, the
only member of CFL is Professor Orman. Let's work to change that...maybe we can get Joe Lieberman to join!
Here's a short bio:
Dr. JOHN ORMAN: Chair, Connecticut for Lieberman
Dr. John Orman is a citizen activist and author who took over Connecticut for Lieberman Party.. He is the author of five books including PRESIDENTIAL SECRECY AND DECEPTION; COMPARING PRESIDENTIAL BEHAVIOR; PRESIDENTIAL ACCOUNTABILITY; THE POLITICS OF ROCK MUSIC; and CELEBRITY POLITICS (co-author Darrell West).
He was the Democratic candidate for U.S. House of Representatives in the 4th C.D. in Connecticut in 1984. His favorite moment was when President Ronald Reagan came to Fairfield to campaign against Dr. Orman.
In 2000 Dr. Orman was the citizen activist from Trumbull, Connecticut who challenged Joe Lieberman for running for two different national offices at the same time when he could only legally hold one of those jobs. After a month of official protests the Quinnipiac Poll showed 45% of Connecticut citizens agreed with Lieberman and 46% agreed with Orman’s position.
In 2005 Orman challenged Joe Lieberman for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senate before dropping out of the race.
In 2006 Orman challenged the legality of the fake political party called Connecticut for Lieberman. He lost his challenge but later took over the fake party to turn it into a party to hold Lieberman accountable.
Dr. Orman has taught at Fairfield University since 1978. He is a Professor of Politics and he has taught American Presidency; Congress; Parties, Groups, and Opinion; U.S. Public Policy; U.S. Foreign Policy; and the Politics of Popular Culture. His comments about politics in America have been carried on ABC,BBC, CBS, CBC, CNN, MSNBC, NBC and NPR.