Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Where are the CT Conservative blogs?

Today I read a blogger's discussion about how some people are critical of "Blog Wars" because they feel that it doesn't give equal time to Republican-leaning blogs in Connecticut.

Which is kind of funny, because the focus of the movie was the Democratic Primary here in CT, in which Republicans had no part (Joe Lieberman notwithstanding).

But it does beg the question:

Why does the conservative blogosphere in Connecticut suck so badly?

"Little Green Nutmegs" anyone?

Other than some die-hard party-line Republicans who post on CT Local Politics; and the mostly hit-and-run anonymous commenters I get here who desparately gloat over Lieberman's more-obvious-every-day bamboozaling of the Unaffiliated anti-war voters in CT, there isn't much going on in the Conservative blogsphere around Connecticut.

Why is that? And why do the few conservative blogs scattered around the state fail to attract much attention?

And, since I'm asking pointless questions, why the fuck did Rell win by such a huge margin? Did Malloy and DeStefano really deplete each other in the Primary battle that the Dems didn't have anything left in the tank for DeStefano's challenge to Ma Rell? Jeez, when I think what we'd be able to accomplish with a Democratic gubner AND a super majority...oh, well.

Feel free to list your favorite conservative blogs and why you enjoy them in the comment section.


fuzzyturtle said...

Why does the conservative blogosphere in Connecticut suck so badly? Because most Republicans I know either 1.never finished college and don't own a computer (I'm not saying they're all Republicans, but the ones that don't own a computer are) or 2. they're old and use AOL and have dial up.

My husband is a college dropout but he's a democrat and yes he owns a computer.

Why the fuck did Rell win by such a huge margin? I SWEAR I've been saying this out loud since early November. Because Connecticut is the Nutmeg state and THESE PEOPLE ARE ALL HIGH. It's the only explaination I can think of !!! She's fucking useless as tits on a bull.

I was chiding my family about Goode (they're in VA) and my dad said, 'hey you people elected Lieberman and Rell'. I could think of nothing to say in response. And the FT is generally not left speachless


Oh, blue blog? Does Connecticut Local Politics count? Genghis Conn isn't that bad.. I feel a little sorry for him, that kooky kid.

Scarce said...

Probably has something to do with most of the conservative bloggers being complete lunatics.

This one is sort of readable, as it's reasonable. The other's I've read are nuts.


Anonymous said...

before this past election did conservatives really need a presents in the CT blogosphere. Where as the liberal netroots movement was created out of necessity. Am I wrong?

CT Bob said...

fuzzy turtle - yeah, it's hard to bitch about any other state's choice when we sent "Joey Two-Times" back to DC!

scarce - I'll take a look at it; isn't there a CT righty blog named something like "former donkey"? I'll see if I can find it.

adam - well, the conservatives are in the minority in the State Legislature; wouldn't it be a good idea for them to work to try to get their guys elected?

CT Bob said...

Found it - "Ex-Donkey Blog" at http://ex-donkey.mu.nu/

He's the guy with some spikey observations and a slightly creepy Diane Lane obssession.

carterman said...


Thanks for pointing out that blog. I got a kick out of many of the wild election year predictions.

I have to be honest, I could only stomach so much of comments like these, "Is Chris Murphy old enough to run for congress? Did anyone check? He looks like he is 12."

Or how about the real insight this one provides, "Rep. Johnson is old, running for her 13th term, and it will probably be her last race."

The post, (Car Tax Will Stay) about Rell's election year gimmick to remove the Car Tax put me over the edge. Like anyone actually believed she intended to go through with that?

Come on.

And of course, Sean blames the defeat of Rell's pie in the sky campaign promise on the "overwhelming liberal legislature." bah.

Scarce said...

Note: I offered that one up not as an endorsement but simply as one not completely batshit crazy. Sane Northeastern Republicans do indeed seem to be a vanishing breed.

Anonymous said...

The people who voted for Rell and Lieberman in the case of Lieberman are getting exactly what they voted for. An idiot who still for some reason is drinking Bush's Kool aid. Maybe if they are of age of service to the country they should enlist for the "SURGE". I did not vote for them.

Anonymous said...

I come to the subject with a conflict: I write for a CT conservative blog that I think has published some good stuff since 2004 but suffers from having only become a "real" blog in the last month.

In general, though, I don't dispute your claim that the CT conservative blogsosphere is lame. We linked to the best local conservatives in our new blogroll but there are SO FEW of them.

I have no idea why. Conservatives too busy working and raising the kids? Liberals more passionate about state politics? Beats me.

Anonymous said...

Did Malloy and DeStefano really deplete each other in the Primary battle that the Dems didn't have anything left in the tank for DeStefano's challenge to Ma Rell?
Someone told me Rowland picked Judy cupcakes because she's not too bright. When I look at how much money she spent over the season on these ads and whathave you on drunken drivin (so passe), I still want to pull my hair out over the elections.

CT Conservative Blogs: Only rabid self starters.

CT Bob said...

Peter, at least you write for one of the more coherent conservative blogs in CT. Occasionally, the righty blogs descend beyond reason into outright hatred and bigotry. FIC tends to be steadfast in their doctrine, which I respect, even though I largely disagree with it.

Regarding the reason Cons. blogs are so scarce, I don't know if being busy working and raising families is an activity necessarily cornered by the conservatives, but I do tend to agree that liberals seem to be more passionate about politics...at least in our current political climate.

Anonymous said...

Why does the conservative blogosphere in Connecticut suck so badly?

Why does the conservative blogosphere (aka the Blogostomy™) everywhere suck so badly?

Look, if these folks had integrity, they would be apologizing for what the Republican party has done to America.

Period. Exclamation point.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if being busy working and raising families is an activity necessarily cornered by the conservatives, but I do tend to agree that liberals seem to be more passionate about politics...at least in our current political climate.
Right on! It's typical of "conservatives" to claim they are more responsible than "libruls".

david said...

Thanks for pointing out that blog. I got a kick out of many of the wild election year predictions.

I have to be honest, I could only stomach so much of comments like these, "Is Chris Murphy old enough to run for congress?

CT Bob said...

David, you're responding to a blog post that's three years old. Feel free to join the current conversation at connecticutbob.com