Details are being released slowly; partly because of security concerns, and also because plans are coming together slowly. Bookmark this page and check back often as the big day approaches:
1/18 Update: ABC News 12 has a few good inauguration maps. For more inauguration maps be sure to check out the links below!
1/17 Update:
Google DC street closures is one of those inauguration maps that will be useful in discouraging you from driving in. I'm just sayin'.
Inauguration Map Links is another compilation of maps that you'll find helpful.
Events Calendar - find stuff to do during the inauguration week
1/14 Update: Four new websites
WTOP radio 103.5FM for updates and traffic reports.
Trafficland DC - Shows a map with clickable traffic cams, so you can see current conditions at many Mall area and parade route locations. has some great info.
Inauguration Survival Guide - local resources, info
1/13: The Inauguration of Barack Obama Website - the "official" website of the inauguration.
Inauguration Central - is the Washington Post website for loads of info.
Presidential Inauguration '09 - is the District of Columbia website.
Metro Inauguration Website - for all the important info on taking the Metro into town, including the three closed stations and special notices.
Secret Service Info - these are the people who keep our President safe, so you can assume they have good info available.
Vehicle Access map - good resource if you're dumb enough to try and drive in.
Click on any image to enlarge, or right-click and Save to save it to your computer.

I'll add more links and stuff over the next few days.
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