On the Senate side, Sen. Chris Dodd raised an impressive $1.2 million, with a large number of the individual donations coming from Connecticut. Democratic challenger Merrick Alpert's numbers aren't yet available (UPDATE BELOW), but obviously they won't total anything near what Sen. Dodd has raised.
In the race for Governor, Democrat Jim Amann reported a slim $8,000 raised in the 2nd qtr., but stated in an interview with Christine Stuart of CT News Junkie, "I am the guinea pig,” in regard to the new public campaign finance laws.
And, because I can never resist a good visual metaphor:

Interestingly, there aren't any public funds available for the office of Lieutenant Governor (UPDATE BELOW); apparently, even though they get their own ballot line, the Lt. Gov. candidates must either raise funds themselves or more likely, campaign on the ticket with the gubernatorial candidate. Remember in the 2006 Democratic primary, this led to Dan Malloy's running mate, Mary Glassman, being elected to run with the eventual primary victor John DeStefano.
UPDATE - LT. GOV numbers:
Apparently the online info for funding the Lt. Gov's race is too complex for a moron like me to understand. But a closer read of Page 2 of this document at the SEEC shows there IS a fundraising threshold requirement for the Lt. Gov. for the PRIMARY election, and Page 4 shows "N/A" for public funds available to the candidate for the GENERAL election because for THAT one they run WITH the Gubernatorial candidate. Ah, I get it!
UPDATE - Merrick Alpert Press Release:
New London, Connecticut – Merrick Alpert’s US Senate campaign reported today $44,315 in donations for the 43 days since Merrick Alpert announced his candidacy.
“I am very grateful to the 171 people who contributed to my campaign. One hundred percent of our campaign contributions came from individuals; not one penny came from a political action committee. I am honored that the people of Connecticut are funding a grass roots campaign to take back the US Senate seat from the special interest money in Washington,” Alpert said.
Merrick Alpert’s Senate campaign received 180 total donations averaging $246.19 each. 129 of the donations, or 71.7%, were from Connecticut citizens. 40% of the donations were made online through the campaign’s website at www.merrickforachange.com
Merrick Alpert’s Senate campaign has raised the majority of the campaign’s money in two ways. First, by having Connecticut residents host events called “Chats For Change” in their homes where voters assemble to meet Merrick Alpert and ask questions. Second, the campaign has been developing web-based donations at www.merrickforachange.com
I wasn't aware that the law had been changed; but Governor & Lt. Gov always ran together.
(Incidentally, I design those new ballots & work on the voting tabulators)
Not for the primary.
Good point...I was thinking election.
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