Not only is she arrogant and stupid, but she's heartless and cruel too.
Oh, but let's all make sure she saves $10,000,000 per year in taxes. Because THAT'S the only thing she cares about.
(screen cap via My Left Nutmeg)
ConnecticutBob.Com is a modest blog on the internet since 2006. Progressive ideas are encouraged, and all politically-minded and reasonable people are welcome. America is the greatest country in the world, but we'll invade you if you disagree.
Blumenthal needs to lock onto this like a pit bull with a 50lb dumb bell and shake it apart.
She didn't even know that in CT our minimum wage is $8.25 /hr. Nothing like weighing in on a topic when you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.
McMahon you fail.
Out Of Touch- wow, what a great headline!
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