I'm talking about my birthday. (Speaking of which, the little honey above graced the calendar during the month I was born. Google image search rules!)
Yes, it's not just ANY birthday...it's the big five-oh!
Believe it or not, on Tuesday, barring some unforeseeable calamity, of course, I'll have officially occupied this planet for a half-friggin'-century!

If anything, I embrace my impending oldness! I welcome the supposed wisdom that accompanies the vast sum of life experiences I've had. I even look forward to qualifying for a membership in AARP and spending hours watching QVC in search of discounts on hard-to-find but useful household items!
...ah, who am I kidding? I'm plunging headlong into the least desirable advertising demographic and it sucks.
On the plus side, maybe the telemarketers won't bother calling so much anymore.
Yup, that's me...
Good ol' "Mr. Glass Half-Full!"
Also on the positive side of the ledger:
1. Obama is approaching 50, and everyone still calls him "young;" and
2. You're still around 20 years younger than Miss Barton Equipment of 1959.
Happy Birthday.
I'll be 50 in July, but I plan to ignore that fact as long as I can.
Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me that THE PRESIDENT is now younger than me!
Don't worry about getting old, Bob. If it becomes necessary we young'uns (hey, I'm only 43!) will push you and your camera around to political events in a wheelchair... Your efforts are that appreciated.
Anyways, try not to think of it as being "5o years old" so much as it is being a half a century young.
Happy Birthday!
P.S.: When I first met you I pegged you as being closer to my age, if that is any consolation?
Slightly, but you probably only thought that because I act so juvenile!
After all, just because I'm nearly 50 doesn't mean I'm a grown-up.
That and the fact that you look like you are in decent shape.
Joyce might argue a bit on that last point, but I tend to agree with you. :)
"telemarketers won't bother calling so much anymore"
Ha! Yeah, right! You are only getting closer to the age that they want to swindle you out of your life savings (old people are easy targets). Watch out for those too good to be true investment opportunities. heh.
All kidding aside, Happy Birthday! and may there be another 50 to come!
Even though this is the Year of the Ox (as of today) and even though it may turn out to be another Year of the Bull, following is your simple birth chart:
"You are Brown Chicken, born in the year of Brown Dog. We can say you are a Earth Chicken, too."
Did you get your AARP Membership yet?
Happy Birthday Bob.
Thanks all!
Joyce and I just got back from Manhattan, where I had a $30 steak at Clancy's at 2nd Ave. and 51st. Yummy! Two black 'n tans, and my birthday dinner was complete! Joyce recommends the Shepard's Pie.
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