I combined everything chronologically into this one post and put it way back in my archives (August 2007) so it wouldn't cause my blog to slow down when people load the current page. To go to the ConnecticutBob.com home page, click the banner at the top of this page.
All posts are by me, except for the ones on January 20th marked with "Kirby" in the title. I coordinated with Kirby to provide her with cell phone updates from the parade route, and she did a marvelous job posting those plus her own excellent observations. Communications got more difficult as the day went on, but I was pleased with how it turned out anyway. Great job, Kirby!
This is a huge post with tons of pictures, so it may take a while to load. But it's worth it! As usual, if you want to see any photo in all it's full definition glory, simply click on it.
1/18/09 Sunday

More tonight.
The "Aso" Cafe
We went out to a great local Mexican restaurant with Maura and her friends Doug and Terry. We had a wonderful dinner, and during the meal Maura told us how the restaurant was infamous as being the only eatery in northern Virginia where George W. Bush had a meal during his presidency.
The place took the chair where W sat his ass, and painted it up in patriotic colors. I noticed the date was 9-24-01. I pondered this for a moment.

We saw the sign appropriately reflected the last day of Bush's regime.

1/19/09 Monday
It's closing time at the local Starbucks and because I don't have internet access at Maura's, I only have a few minutes to post these photos.

OK, they're kicking me out. I'll be live-blogging style posting via Kirby tomorrow if communications goes well.
1/20/09 Tuesday
It is hard to believe that after all this time, the day for Barack Obama to become 44th president of the United States is here. Bob is on the spot in Washington DC and I am here in CT with a dear friend sitting on the couch. Will keep you posted.
Maura got a Capitol ticket -- and deservedly so. More to come.
Since the traditional cable news site will be over run with traffic today, thought you'd like to know there is a nice, high quality stream on the front page of the NY Times
Bob reports in from the parade route -- he is cold, and says the security is amazing. He's with Gabe and Melissa -- Maura is at the Capitol, and I am sure he will have terrific pictures to post later.
(CTBob: Actually, though we rode in on the same train, Joyce & I got off at Federal Triangle for the parade, and Gabe, Melissa, & Maura continued on to the Capitol)

Just got a call from Bob who is in his bleacher seats on Pennsylvania Avenue waiting for the parade with CT Joyce and Gabe...the parade is still about 2 hours away. He said after Obama took the oath, a roar just rolled up the Avenue. They are sitting right across from the J Edgar Hoover building.
They are freezing -- and I didn't have the heart to tell him I was sitting here in front of the fire. Maura and Melissa had tickets at the Capitol, and CTBlogger is somewhere in DC.
Whitehouse.gov posted a serious makeover about 44 minutes ago, and change.gov is now shuttered. Go take a look.

And the Bush error is over.
The president and first lady got out of the limo and walked for a bit. It was hard to tell where this happened on the parade route, and we will hear from Bob as to whether it was near him or not. The parade was delayed after Senator Kennedy collapsed at the luncheon following the outdoor ceremony -- to make sure he was OK before having a celebratory parade.
The invocation by Rick Warren was more about him than about the moment -- and it was totally eclipsed by the benediction by Rev. Lowery of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference -- full text here
Lord, in the memory of all the saints who from their labors rest, and in the joy of a new beginning, we ask you to help us work for that day when black will not be asked to get back, when brown can stick around -- (laughter) -- when yellow will be mellow -- (laughter) -- when the red man can get ahead, man -- (laughter) -- and when white will embrace what is right.
PARDON ME? (By Kirby)

And, in other random observations online -- a number of people commenting tongue in cheek that seeing Darth Cheney in a wheelchair was not nearly as satisfying as we thought it would be. Although, there appeared to be a chill between these two departing executives -- with the only apparent contact being a quick handshake at Andrews before W took off for Texas. Hmmmmm.
With the delay in the parade, and the fact that the President must sit in the reviewing stand for the whole thing, the executive orders initially said to be signed today may be put off to tomorrow. Here's the link on the new White House Web site directly to executive orders; we can see them right after they are signed.

I hope Bob thaws out enough this evening to post his photos of the day and to let us know if the president got out of the limo near his seat at the parade! In the meantime, here is what the inauguration looked like from space.

With the two most adorable, well-mannered children in America. Sasha is just scrumptious! I hope her joy permeates the walls of the White House for everyone to remember that this presidency is really about the world we leave to the next generation.
1/21/09 Wednesday

It's just shy of noon on the 21st. Today is the first full non-Bush day America has seen in eight long years. I'd probably be a bit happier about it if I wasn't slightly hungover.
I'm at the internet cafe trying to post stuff, but it's very slow going. If I can't post my photos today, I'll try to get some of them online tonight.
Thank you Kirby for holding down the fort! You did a fantastic job yesterday with the updates and your original posts. Communications got difficult later in the day, and by the time the President and First Lady walked by, I couldn't dial out. After that, Joyce and I left the parade about half-way through and headed back to VA. I crashed hard about 8PM and slept for a couple hours, then Maura, Melissa and us talked and laughed for hours. I think I finally got back to sleep around 2:30 this morning.
I'm going to try to post photos now, but again, if they don't work I'll post them later.
And let's hear a round of applause for Kirby!!!!
It took us until 2:30 to hit the road today, and we just got home (around 9PM). After unpacking the car and having a bite to eat, I'm barely awake enough to see. So I'm going to put up most of my pictures sometime tomorrow.
In the meantime, here's one quick photo of a guy in our bleachers, and an observation:

For anyone who isn't familiar with the significance of this book, you should know that both Mark David Chapman and John Hinckley were fanatical about it. So here we are, just as the new President and his family come strolling down Pennsylvania Avenue, and this fellow is clutching a well-worn copy of the most subversive/anarchistic novel of its time. Talk about a bizarre moment!
Obviously, I kept half an eye on him until well after the President went safely by. But it was a bit unsettling, to say the least.
According to what people were saying, the temperature topped out at 33 degrees. But with the wind chill, it felt as cold as 5 degrees. And when you're out in the breeze for more than eight hours, it feels even worse.
The ground was littered with the plastic wrappers from chemical hand warmers. People brought blankets (I didn't know they could) and food (I really didn't know that!), so we used a special Inaugural edition of the Washington Post as seats on the metal bleachers, and we feasted upon Tic-Tacs most of the day. The two food vendors nearby had lines that were at least an hour long, and they ran out of hot chocolate and coffee by noon.
These three photos probably tell the story of the cold more accurately:

We arrived at the Federal Triangle metro station at 8:30AM. We walked out to the 12th Street entry gate to this crowded scene. That's the IRS building in the background. Security was only letting about 100 people at a time through the entry gates so they could pass through the magnometers without crowding the TSA workers.

Our bleachers were located right at the intersection of 10th and Pennsylvania Ave., right by the Department of Justice building and across the avenue from the FBI.

We were able to watch the end of the parade live on TV from our table.
I'm grouping these photos in three posts of five each, to make it easier to upload them. I'll work on the video and hopefully have it up shortly. As usual, click on any photo to see in their glorious full size!

An empty train pulled in from the other direction, and Maura decided to jump aboard to the end of the line, just four stops away. It turned out to be a good idea, because we had seats for what turned out to be nearly a two-hour train ride into DC.



After the oath of office, the presidential helicopter flew overhead carrying Bush and Cheney away. The crowd roared with joy, and people in our bleachers started singing "Nah nah nah nah, hey hey hey, good-bye!"

I was shooting video right until they approached, then I switched to picture mode to capture this bit of digital magic, and then I turned it back to video to capture them walking away. So when I edit and post the video, at least you'll get to see them a bit. Plus you'll hear the sound of the crowd cheering, which is cool.
In the future I'll commit to one mode of shooting only, either pictures or video. But at least I have this to remember the historic event.
A few more photos from Monday night.

1/22/09 Thursday
This is the video from the big day!
I tried to observe as much as possible during the day, and focus on the little details of the event. I probably would have done a better job if I wasn't freezing my butt off!
1/24/09 Sunday
There was something very familiar about seeing poor ol' Dick Cheney in a wheelchair.
Caused, no doubt, by a groin pull from his trying to carry huge boxes of classified documents down to the nuclear-powered shredder they have in the basement of the White House.
Then I realized it reminded me of a scene from an old movie.
So I made this video. Extra points if you know the movie's title; which should be easy if you're a fossil like me!
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