Monday, July 27, 2009

Canary fighting! WTF?

Are people that desperate for entertainment that they need to do something like this?

Police seized approximately 150 birds and arrested 19 people in a Connecticut home Sunday in an investigation of alleged finch and canary fighting, the Shelton Police Department said.


"This is new to us," Kozlowsky told CNN. "Finches are much easier to keep under the radar than roosters because they make less noise and they wouldn't arouse suspicions if someone had a lot of them."
OK, I can sort of understand the logic of that, but the whole thing makes me sick. I mean, finches? C'mon!

And canaries; those are those cute little guys, right? How the hell do you get them to fight? What do you do, show them Tweety cartoons on a continuous loop until they go berserk?

(Wanted for questioning)

And if that's not bad enough, now the NFL is talking about allowing dog-strangler Michael Vick back onto the gridiron. Jesus, when will the insanity end?


West Haven Bob said...

This must be the latest version of flipping the bird...

Chester said...

CT goes from a killer monkey to fighting canaries. Where did we go wrong?

CT Bob said...


What's next, cheetah wrestling?

West Haven Bob said...

Snake Jello wrestling?

CT Bob said...

Foxy boxing?

Kirby said...

Don't forget, WWE world HQ is in CT -- I wouldn't put anything past them.

Anonymous said...

My cat wants to find out how he can get in on this canary fighting.

Anonymous said...

Why is it that people don't believe dog fighting as well as bird fighting all starting way before Micheal Vick?? It is like things don't happen until the media tells you who, when and what? Moreover, wheres the outrage, where's PETA, where are the pics of the perps? I guess the only criminal is the one who did his time and go figure, is being giving a second chance or does this only apply to Kobe (rapist)Elvis (drug user), Willie Nelson (tax invasion), the list is endless, yet they are all forgiven. Vick did his time and i am sure, will be avoiding dogs for a lifetime.

Chester said...

Hmmmmm....where's PETA....good question. I looked at their web site and there's nothing there about the canaries. I'm disappointed.

West Haven Bob said...

How do you the the CANARIES feel about PETA's lack of support? Fox News wantsta know...

West Haven Bob said...

Bob -

"Fox boxing"?

Who's your money on, O'Reilly or Beck?

Hartford Movers said...

Haha.....I can't help but laugh. Just imagining 2 little birds fighting.....would they even attack each other? It's crazy some even thought of trying this.

As for Vick, come on, he served his time and now deserves all the freedoms the rest of use enjoy. If he's a better man we will know it soon.

What is going on in my state?