The editors of the Register have always endorsed Mayor Jim Richetelli in his previous campaigns, so this is a huge bellwether for change here in Milford. The editorial points out the mayor's proposed budget increase of nearly 7% this year, which was only reined in by the outstanding work of the Democratic-majority Board of Aldermen.
Regardless of false Republican claims trying to poach credit for the first tax decrease in Miford City history, not ONE SINGLE REPUBLICAN on the Board of Aldermen voted in favor of the budget!
And while local Republicans are trying to use a traditional GOP tactic ("fear") to garner votes, the removal of budgeting for a single police position while TWO additional positions have remained unfilled for months indicates a sincere lack of need, despite Republican claims that the entire City is facing sheer anarchy if we don't have budgeting for three new officers. Keep in mind that EVERY OTHER city department grudgingly accepted budget cuts in the harsh reality of the current economic times we face.
Here in Milford it is the Democrats who are definitely the "Party of Fiscal Responsibility". Think how far we'd go if we actually had a mayor like Genevieve who strongly believes in "zero-based budgeting"!
From the editorial:
"Richetelli saw his proposed budget spending increase this year cut by the Board of Aldermen, producing a tax decrease. While he has complained the board’s cuts hurt public safety, two police positions remain vacant because of a hiring freeze he imposed."The editors go on to address many other instances of poor or missing leadership. The historic Cadley house was bulldozed, despite the fact that the deed giving the property to the city clearly specified that it should be maintained for historical purposes. Another little bit of our town's rich 370-year history died that day.
The editors also pointed out the mayor's absence without notifying the Chairman of the Board of Aldermen earlier this year, in direct violation of the city charter and leaving us without effective leadership in the event of a public emergency for some days. For a mayor who's campaigning on the idea of "public safety", this is no small irony:
"His unexplained absence in January was a jarring failure of leadership. After he vanished, Milford was left guessing who was in charge at City Hall. Eventually, it was disclosed that Richetelli was in a residential Maryland drug treatment program. He has never revealed the precise nature of his addiction."I'd like to stress that I and the city's Democrats sincerely wish Mr. Richetelli continued success with his personal struggle.
For these and many other reasons listed in the editorial, the editors of the New Haven Register have concluded thusly:
"Despite our past endorsements, Richetelli’s recent record does not merit our endorsement this year."I couldn't agree more. Visit Salvatore09.com for more info.
"For those disappointed in Richetelli’s performance, Salvatore is a fresh alternative. She is an engaging candidate who has our vote."
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