Gee, I guess FDR and JFK were total hacks if I trust the Courant's opinion. Keep in mind this is the same paper that used their hallowed pages to endorse Joe Lieberman for Senate in 2006, and George W. Bush for President...fucking twice! The results of their disastrous policies will be with us long after they're gone.
I'm not really interested in the Courant's rationale for their decision. In fact, the very idea that they're endorsing Barack Obama would normally make me want to take a long second look at him were he not such a strong and natural leader. And the fact that hundreds of major papers across the nation have already announced their endorsements make you look more like bandwagon jumpers than knowledgeable prognosticators.
Maybe you guys should just stay out of the endorsement business. You seem to have a knack for mostly picking some real losers who turn out to be awful leaders, and I'd hate for Barack Obama to fall victim to the "Courant Curse".
So, thanks for nothing.
Too bad the Courant dropped their "Connecticut Online" section. I'd love to see if they pick up this post.
They might have, but first they would have changed the headline, edited it for content and space (diminishing or changing the entire tone of the post), and broke it up so the title and author appears on one online page and the content on another.
In other words, I wasn't brokenhearted when they discontinued the feature.
And no, they wouldn't have printed this. They were consistent about selecting my worst post of the week about 70% of the time.
Did you see Lieberman in the Courant the other day saying his comments on the campaign trail have been "within bounds" ?????
and then tried to distance himself from his beloved's campaign tenor?
"I am prepared to be held accountable for my own comments on the campaign trail," Lieberman said in the article.
What a vile man.
He's desperately trying to still remain relevant after January, so he's making conciliatory statements. The Democrats probably won't need him, unless we're so close to 60 in the Senate that we depend on his vote. Let's hope that isn't the case.
What I think is most awesome is that despite that track record, they're the paper that the repellent Family Institute singles out for having some kind of "liberal bias." Awesome.
Can't the Senate Dems trade Lieberman for some disillusioned Repubs who can be trained to heel? Most DC Repubs have been taught reflexive obedience by party leaders like Delay and Ginrich, so housebreaking them shouldn't be too tough. A few nice perks and some pork would make that magic 60 easy to come by, without whollyforjoe.
"And no, they wouldn't have printed this. They were consistent about selecting my worst post of the week about 70% of the time."
I know that they were featuring your material before the layoffs but everything you say in that comment up there, Bob, was exactly what I figured they would do when they were soliciting Bloggers material.
And while some in the right wing occasionally post something worth a thought or two, the fact is the material on most of them has consisted of outrageous attacks with no basis in reality in this campaign. I would not be surprised to find out they discontinued the feature because of those crazy attacks and they cut the left Blogs for balance.
Courant endorsements. I guess that's why my dear old dad would only read The Hartford Times. After reading James Howard Kunstler today I'm ready to switch to John McCain. Somones head has to roll before this financial whirlpool ends. In the over half century I've voted I voted for a president. Not a Commander In Chief but I'm afraid we will need a brutal son of military commanders to ward off the angry mobs looking for revenge or just a bite to eat. J.C., Sr.
If the Wall Street Journal (now owned by Rupert Murdoch/F**ks News) endorses Obama, you'll have to Photoshop a SHITLOAD of lifeboats onto the SS McCAIN PALIN.....
I can't even remotely conceive of that Aussie bastard transplant ever doing anything like that.
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