I have to say this about Ned...after his defeat, it would have been the easiest thing in the world for him to say "the heck with it", and retire from the political arena. In fact, everyone would have totally understood if he did that.
And yet, here's a man who is committed to the political process as a way to improve our nation, and he's spending an incredible amount of time and personal effort to help us all get better government. He stands as a prime example of what a single person can do to change things.
Here he is talking about Kerri, and the video ends with Kerri discussing the reasons why she wants to help change things.
Kerri is amazing! What a smart, down-to-earth, pragmatic leader. Milford's going to be lucky to have her as mayor!
Ned even stopped by another fundraiser that same night, for the Stamford Democratic City Committee. He's so great -- and still tirelessly fighting for good governance. I'll always be proud of how hard we fought for him!
I can't believe Ned works so hard to help the Democrats. He's a hero to the progressive movement. I hope someday he'll run for Senate again; he's a young enough guy to easily make a run in one of the next couple cycles.
And Kerri IS amazing. She's grown so much in the last 6 months.
I suppose Ned helped, but the crowd really came to see Bob.
I get that a lot! LOL
Looks more like Kerri Rowland endorses CT Bob!
I second that emotion.
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