The other night I went to a party with CT Joyce, and on the way there we were listening to the Mets game on the radio. The game had just gone into extra innings, but we arrived at the party and went in.
Gabe replied that there was still no score, and it was well into the 14th inning. I asked if I could use Tessa's phone, and I texted Gabe and asked him to give us a play by play of the game.
Over the next hour or so Gabe did an admirable job at painting the word picture of the game, with updates every few minutes. I texted back comments and questions every so often.

So that was officially the first (and possibly last) time I texted. I'm still not getting a textable phone, but I'll admit it was kind of fun following the progress of the game!
Gabe Rocks!
(I had to take that photo with a camera, since CT Bob was Bogarting my phone.)
And they are lovely pictures too..:)
Looks like a great party.
LOL! It was, Jon!
Thanks Kate!
hey jonathan Kantrowitz do you have the precinct by precinct results for bridgeport for the sen and gov race primary in 2006 in bridgeport. i want to see how lamont and malloy did in precincts
Working on it
thanks jonathan i apperciate it alot
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