Well, here at KON-et-i-kut BAHB, we would never stoop to that level of disrespect! (didja see what I did there?)

Just calm yourselves down, boys and girls. It's way early, and the poll reflects less of an endorsement of Simmons than simple dissatisfaction with their perception of the job Sen. Chris Dodd (and Congress in general) is doing. Their head-to-head numbers are 49-38%. Which isn't great for Dodd, but there's still a couple unresolved issues at hand that will likely change things over the next year.

The voters of blue Connecticut simply won't overwhelmingly support an insignificant little ex-Congressman who enthusiastically carried water for the worst president since Nixon. Maybe Linda McMahon will become the great GOP hope. With her unlimited wealth, if she can successfully distance herself from the WWE's tawdry image, Dodd may have a very tough fight ahead.

Overall, no major surprises in this poll. While the news isn't great, it certainly could have been worse. We're far from crunch time, but Sen. Dodd and the Democrats do need to be concerned with the public perception (accurate or not) that they need to do more to solve our very immediate problems right now.
(h/t to ConnecticutMan1 over at Drinking Liberally in New Milford for the phonetic gag)
Those are some pretty rose-colored glasses Bob -and to mix metaphors completely - the glass isn't half full - it's almost empty - Dodd's in big trouble, and all the great things he's doing now aren't helping, except among us diehards, who also have to stomach his Joe Lieberman-love.
The pronunciation thing is for broadcasters who are a dim-witted lot and DO need constant reminders.
Hey, I ain't ready to launch the life boats just yet. Q-poll numbers aren't the end-all when it comes to predicting the future; they're just a snapshot of current opinion. There's still time for Dodd and the Dems to get their act together, especially considering the fragmented CT GOP field.
Agree that broadcasters aren't necessarily a gaggle of luminaries, but I was just making a little joke.
The only people that would actually go to the source to read the polls and press releases from them have got to have a pretty good idea how the heck to say it. Yeah, it was a jab at they-R stew-pid.
Since his post here this morning, Jonathan Kantrowitz has revised his thinking about the poll, saying "The numbers . . . do not necessarily hold up under closer scrutiny." I waited to see if he would post here again, but nothing yet.
Here's a link to his latest -
Yes, there's a lot of talk suddenly about how the numbers are very very strange. The CT Democrats sent out an email today with their concerns about the poll results, and it's getting a lot of play locally. I think Dougie is gonna have some 'splainin' to do.
Yeah, Dougie's credibility is eroding.
His Republican political preferences are known and recent actions will make his data suspect.
Plus, his involvement with early leaks of polling data to Moody-Rell is not going to be good for his or QU's reputations. The school has used the polling to get national name recognition. This will hurt.
Say goodnight, Dougie.
When did we lose a "C"?
I don't get it. Explain?
"the glass isn't half full - it's almost empty".
Rob might be our next senator and he might not. One thing is for sure.
Dodd is done. It's over.
It's acually "kon-ECK-teh-KIT"
(By the way, I'm forced to use the on-screen keyboard, as I'm waiting for a new kb for my laptop, and my desktops are all off-line...)
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