Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Increase in oil prices

*This is an outrage
*Oil market does not follow supply and demand principles as it should
*I proposed excess profit tax that would be redirected to people who can't afford heating oil
*"Set America Free" bill he introduced would decrease our oil dependency by 10 million barrels
*Remember last gas/oil crisis when mortgages were also sky-high
*Gross earning tax/excess profits tax not the answer
*Reagan repealed them then, and gas prices fell dramatically
*Need change from fossil to alternative
*Two level incentive plan
*After 9/11, people were ready to do things to reduce oil dependence
*Cheney invited his friends to the WH and they decided how the energy plan would go
*Joe only New England D to vote for the energy bill
*Need incentives for conservation and for companies in alternative fuels

*No greater failure of leadership over the last 30 years than the failure to decrease our dependence on foreign oil.
*I worked in a bipartisan way on the "Set America Free" with Senators like Obama and Sessions
*I agree with you, Ned
*Cheney energy bill not good, but because it would put a natural gas facility in Long Island Sound
*When Joe signed on to the Cheney bill, we lost the opportunity to include language that would require that vehicles be more fuel efficient

1 comment:

PamB said...

Cheney and Lieberman, a couple of
