Due to his dismal track record in the early primaries and caucuses, former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani (often intentionally misspelled "Ghouliani", even "9ia11iani") has been dropped from the "Top Five" Republican candidates from the New York Times' online Election Guide results page.
Giuliani has been replaced on the list by slightly-less-than-longshot candidate Ron Paul, which probably has the "Paultards" dancing in the streets with joy. Paul has earned significant double-digit results in several contests.
UPDATE 1/23/08: Rudy's back in! Due to Fred "Grumpy ol' Man" Thompson dropping out, now there's room at the inn for Giuliani. Still, it was fun while it lasted!
With McCain's surge in the polls, odds are Giuliani is toast before he really gets started.
Don't worry, Rudy...you'll always have those six-figure lecturing fees to help soothe your hurt feelings.

H I L L A R I O U S !
Happy to see Rudy Sporano go! His demise is a blow to fascism.
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