Thank God (In Which We Trust...or would that be "in Whom we trust"? I dunno...) that the federal Government is taking as much time as it can to protect us from the possibility of being offended by someone with an American flag and a Zippo.
Do you realize there have been three...YES, THREE documented cases of flag desecration in the last year alone? Why, that's a total of 150 stars and 39 stripes being burned! And have you ever really thought about how Connecticut is represented by BOTH a star AND a stripe? That's like us getting burned TWICE in every flag!
Well, not on my watch we won't!
Thank God yet again, for the Government protecting us from being offended at any two people who want to marry and happen to not be members of opposing sexes.
Thank God. Really, thanks.
These are the two biggest issues that Congress has brought up as maybe needing an Amendment to the Constitution to protect us from.
I'm certainly glad these other issues are nearly as important:
The War in Iraq
Global Warming and Climate Changes
Our skyrocketing National Debt
Attacks on Constitutional Freedoms
The Israel/Palestine problem
Social Security
Net Neutrality (mui)
Iran nuclear bombs
North Korean ballistic missles
The ballooning trade deficit
National Healthcare
Tax cuts only for the wealthiest 1%
Yeah...no need to trouble ourselves with those minor issues, especially when there's a maladjusted hippie somewhere who wants to annoy his parents and get on TV.
That's WAAAAYYYYY more important!
Thank you.

(this article was written based on a comment by hugh at Fire Dog Lake while I was channeling Stephen Colbert)
Bob, can I add the threats to net neutrality to the list?
Absolutely. That's a biggie.
Now, everyone else, don't start adding issues to my article. It was written quickly and tongue-in-cheek; it's not meant to represent every single important issue out there.
mui gets a pass (this time)...LOL
Interesting that You mention heathcare when problem for the healthcare system is that is it is being overwhelmed by the unhealthy overweight Americans who smoke...
Interesting that YOU mention heathcare when the problem for the healthcare system is that it is being overwhelmed by unhealthy overweight Americans who smoke...
You mean to say that's ALL you got out of that entire post, you redundant, multiple posting, computer-illiterate boob?
Thanks Bob, still waiting to hear back from the Senator himself. Hahaha.
Bob, Obviously that guy does not have very informed ideas about what contributes to the rising costs of healthcare. People like that will blame the sick people themselves or "lifestyle." (Even though IMHO much about lifestyle hasn't changed for the past centuries to quite fit into the cost equation.) Or G.W.'s favorite: "lawsuits" against ObGyns. These are the same people who would blame TB or cholera or smallpox patients back in the day for their illness by saying they were "dissipated" or lazy and shiftless, rather than blaming say, greedy slumlords who didn't believe in clean water etc.
More informed persons might talk about say the spiraling costs of medical equipment, technology, drugs, etc. Others make pretty good arguments about the environment. And of course, let's not forget greedy pharmaceutical companies. & since Lieberman is in bed with Big Pharma . . .
Sorry for the rant, but I really hate these fatuous lifestyle > rising medical costs + lawsuits against obgyns remarks. It just helps people avoid the real issues, some of it having to do with serious degraded sense of public accountability .
Bob, Obviously that guy does not have very informed ideas about what contributes to the rising costs of healthcare. People like that will blame the sick people themselves or "lifestyle." (Even though IMHO much about lifestyle hasn't changed for the past centuries to quite fit into the cost equation.) Or G.W.'s favorite: "lawsuits" against ObGyns. These are the same people who would blame TB or cholera or smallpox patients back in the day for their illness by saying they were "dissipated" or lazy and shiftless, rather than blaming say, greedy slumlords who didn't believe in clean water etc.
More informed persons might talk about say the spiraling costs of medical equipment, technology, drugs, etc. Others make pretty good arguments about the environment. And of course, let's not forget greedy pharmaceutical companies. & since Lieberman is in bed with Big Pharma . . .
Sorry for the rant, but I really hate these fatuous lifestyle > rising medical costs + lawsuits against obgyns remarks. It just helps people avoid the real issues, some of it having to do with serious degraded sense of public accountability .
oh sheisse, I posted twice
oh sheisse, I posted twice
Oh yeah, let's not forget how war can contribute to the number of people with disabilities and illness. How many amputees are there I wonder from the Iraq war? Hmmm.
last comment. I promise.
Oh wait a minute, last post. Suggested reading for trolls with little understanding of the public health question: "Betrayal of Trust: The collapse of gobal public health" by Laurie Garrett.
Alright, fine I give. Up. I admit I am an idiot who has an unbreakable habit of posting just like I have a habit of spewing out worthless comments. Bob, feel free to ignore me.
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