This isn't going to be a "near miss" or a "close call". It's going to hit and possibly be devastating. Anyone in that area, please follow instructions to evacuate. Don't fool around; this isn't a time for a "hurricane party". Get out now.
UPDATE: CNN stole my idea for a headline! Ooh that makes me angry! Blitzer, you just made my list!
My favorite line from CNN cites a resident of Galveston's Surfside Beach:
"It's dangerous, but it's Mother Nature," Bobby Taylor, 47, who planned to stay, told the Chronicle. "There are good parts about it. It's beautiful. The water doesn't frighten me.''
He told the paper he could walk or kayak out if necessary. "It's just water, man.''
Don't worry, be happy.
Jesus. I just hope nobody gets killed trying to save that asshole.
I don't know about you, but when the WEATHER SERVICE tells me I'll face "certain death" if I don't evacuate, I'd be likely to consider an immediate trip out of town (perhaps to Wasilla, Alaska - I hear there are a lot of moose)
Those who refuse to listen to the experts when warned usually are the loudest cries for help when they face the consequences of their stupidity...and the GOP will use these ord'n'ry folk as an example of broken government.
Galveston is a beautiful old, seaside town. We visited it for an afternoon cookout on the beach 2 years ago. If it were me, I would definitely get the hell out of there.
And I thought ELEPHANTS never forget...
I am sorry -- I've just checked galveston.com, and all their web cams are now out....NHC says Galveston has already had 9' of storm surge (which the sea-wallcan take, but which is 2' higher than their time-line - based on a catastrophic 22' surge).
I think at this time we all should say a prayer (yeah, even YOU, Bob) for Galveston & Houston.
Looks like it was bad, but it could of been worse. Texas didn't luck out and get the near-miss that Gustav gave N.O., but at least they only got winged. It could have been a head shot.
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