Tuesday, August 08, 2006

More Joe

....a sense of unity and purpose. If the people of CT are good enough to send me back to Washington as an independent democrat, I will contiunue to fight for our national security...I never hesitate to work with members of the other party.

I will always do what I believe is right for the country

[note -- no elected Ds are visible on the podium with Joe to announce his "new campaign" -- very telling]

And let me say to the people outside of CT -- if you're tired of the nasty politics, go to my web site ... and join our fight. Don't hesitate to send a campaign contribution.

It's promises of opportunity and equality of purpose, we can work together....not partisanship is what we need....with God's help -- join me in this mission.


Anonymous said...

Joe needs to GO away!

Anonymous said...

The Cut-And-Run Party Of One...

He's BAAACK...

Anonymous said...

Joe, you undermine Democratic unity at your peril (and peril to us all).

Anonymous said...

"...go to my website when it is unhacked"!

Anonymous said...

Notice how Joe is already asking for contributions from all over the country. He knows that the Democratic donors are a dry hole now.

Anonymous said...

Senators Clinton, Boxer, Schumer and Bill Clinton are going to campaign for ned now, right?

Anonymous said...

SO was the whole hacked website thing a set-up from Monday so he could insert it into his speech tonight?

Anonymous said...

U.S. Senate - - Dem Primary
733 of 748 Precincts Reporting - 97.99%
Name Party Votes Pct
Lamont, Ned Dem 143,363 51.81
Lieberman, Joe (i) Dem 133,323 48.19

Anonymous said...

Ned's podium should have been higher. Half of the time, we can't see hum. F***ong photo monkees blocking the view...

Anonymous said...

Dang it! EPUd!

I hope every congress critter gets lots of calls tomorrow that they stand up and support democracy.

The people of Connecticut have spoken, if Joe wanted his own big umbrella, he should have conceded long before today to embrace all the cross party Nutmeggers.

What's the point of exporting democracy abroad if it doesn't work at home?

What's the point of expecting foreigners to embrace American style democracy, if you just keep running to get the result you want.

I really hope there is a strong group statement from all the big dogs of Democratic Party respecting the will of the people and supporting the Democratic candidate they selected.

I hope Joe is getting a phone call right now from Harry Reid telling him he's off the teat. No mo money. No mo Joe.

Go Ned!

Anonymous said...

I just e-mailed Lieberman at his senate website to implore him not to tear his party apart and possibly lose a seat in the Senate. He is a worthless, self-serving, selfish, arrogant piece of shit (that comment about visiting his website when it is "unhacked" nearly caused me to put my foot through the TV). I think we need to blitz the DNC and DSCC and demand that they talk this asshole out of bailing and running as an independent.

Anonymous said...

kos is raising an important point:
"Joe Lieberman is not an independent Democrat. He needs to be stripped of his committee assignments and have those handed to real Democrats."

Exactly! By declarig hiumself independent, lieberman left the party. He can't have it both ways. And the lobbyists who support him now won't be happy if he's just another lame duck, without the power he formerly had. This would teach him.

Anonymous said...

"What's the point of expecting foreigners to embrace American style democracy, if you just keep running to get the result you want."

Afaik some states do have a sore loser rule which forbids such undemocratic behavior.

Anonymous said...

National security? This joke isn't capable of securing a website, let alone going after Bush for ignoring memoes titled "Bin Laden determined to strike in US".

Anonymous said...

Flush Jerk Loserman away!!!!!