Now that's it's just me and Mr. Kirby, I must admit the tears are rolling down my cheeks. I have the best husband ever. He has Lyme disease and has been here by my side since noon. He brought Jessie Jackson in here, he got a press pass to Maura so she could get in after she worked the polls all day....and he is pooped. Thank you, Mr. Kirby, I love you.
Thanks, Kirby, for your posts. They truly conveyed a feel for what's been going on at Lamont's HQ.
Apologies for some of the rude whiny commenters. That's not tolerated much at FDL!!!
For you & Mr Kirby, a well-deserved rest, with the glow of victory! A really important victory...
Thanks again.
John K
Thx to all of the team of CT Bob. It's benn an exiting night with great coverage of the events, and there are even more exciting times ahead. I'll return to check the latest news here.
Keep up the great work and God bless you!
I am in awe of all the people who have made a tremendous effort to live in a working democracy.
All of you, who gave time, money, spouses and even just your vote have accomplished a wonderful thing.
You have all made a difference, not just to Connecticut, but to the world.
Kanadian kudos, eh?
Congratulations to you and all of CT for finally getting the representation you deserve in Washington. Well OK, will have after November!
where can i get video of lamont's speech? someone gonna post it on youtube or something?
thanks guys!
blog on doods
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